

{"info":{"title":{"content":"她是“三級片女王”:16歲出道,23歲“一脫成名”,31歲退圈","en":"She is the \"Queen of Tertiary Films\": debuted at the age of 16, \"became famous\" at the age of 23, and retired from the circle at the age of 31"},"description":{"content":"前言講真,邱淑貞這個名字,對咱這代人來說,可不陌生。從轟動一時的《赤裸羔羊》,到後來的《霸王别姬》,再到甩掉标簽,轉型成...","en":"The preface is true, the name Qiu Shuzhen is not unfamiliar to our generation. From the sensational \"The Naked Lamb\", to the later \"Farewell My Concubine\", to throwing off the label and transforming into..."}},"items":[]}