

{"info":{"title":{"content":"村民成\"理财高手\":3000萬補償金被鎮長代為投資:怕村民了解不了","en":"Villagers have become \"financial management masters\": 30 million compensation was invested by the mayor on behalf of the mayor: I am afraid that the villagers will not understand"},"description":{"content":"山東淄博經濟開發區傅家鎮彭家村的故事,折射出了這樣一個問題。一個涉及三千多萬的征地補償款,切踏上了理财的征程,卻沒能帶上...","en":"The story of Pengjia Village, Fujia Town, Zibo Economic Development Zone, Shandong Province, reflects such a problem. A land requisition compensation involving more than 30 million yuan, Che embarked on the journey of financial management, but failed to bring..."}},"items":[]}