



比 賽 收 獲 篇

✦✦閱讀下面材料,根據其内容和所給段落開頭語續寫兩段,使之構成一篇完整的短文。Every October, my neighborhood has a Halloween costume contest. And every October, my neighbor Ollie and I race to the announcement board in the park to find out the theme. One year, the theme was “Dress up as your favorite book character.” Another year, it was “Be something scary.” But this year, the theme was kind of, well, themeless.“Be creative?” I said, reading the announcement board. “That’s not really a theme, is it?”Ollie hopped off his skateboard s to get a closer look. “You’re right,” he agreed. “I think my favorite theme ever was ‘Superheroes’. I loved my Super-Force Flying Eagles costume so much, I kept that thing hanging in my closet for years!”“My favorite theme was ‘Farm Animals’.” I giggled. “Remember how you insisted on being a Stegosaurus (劍龍)?”“When I was five, dinosaurs were my world.” Ollie laughed. “I would have loved to see a Stegosaurus out grazing with the cows.”“Now that’s the creative spirit we need for this challenge!” I said. “Maybe, since we don’t know exactly what we want to be yet, we should start by choosing some cool costume-making materials. ”“I’ve got it!” Ollie said, scooping up a bunch of fallen leaves.“Really?” I said. “You’re going to make an entire costume out of leaves?”“Why not?” he said, scooping up some more.“They’re totally free, and I can guarantee, no one will be a tree as great as me.”“Don’t you mean, a tree as great as we?” I grinned.“Um, first, that grammar doesn’t sound right,” said Ollie. “And second, no way! Think of your own creative ideas.”“Aw, come on,” I said. “You should be flattered that I like your idea so much. Plus, I just thought of the perfect way to make branches.”Finally, Ollie said OK.注意:1. 續寫詞數應為150左右;2. 請按如下格式在答題卡的相應位置作答。Paragraph 1: We ended up filling two jumbo bags with different kinds of leaves.__________________Paragraph 2: Then the big moment came.__________________✦✦


✦✦本篇文章以人物為線索展開。每年十月,作者的鄰居Ollie都會參加萬聖節服裝比賽。每到十月,作者和鄰居Ollie都會去看一下萬聖節的服裝比賽主題。然而,今年卻沒有主題。于是,鄰居Ollie突發奇想,産生了用樹葉來做衣服參加萬聖節服裝比賽的想法。作者喜歡鄰居Ollie有創意的想法,兩人一拍即合,立刻付諸于行動。 1.段落續寫:(1)由第一段句首内容“最後我們在兩個超大的袋子裡裝滿了不同種類的葉子。”可知,第一段可以描寫兩人裝滿葉子後具體做衣服的過程和感受。(2)由第二段句首内容“然後重大的時刻來到了。”可知,第二段可以描寫人們看到兩人服裝後驚歎的反應和兩人創作成功後的感受。 2.續寫線索:裝滿樹葉——回家創作——重要時刻的到來——服裝展示——衆人驚歎——赢得掌聲——成功的喜悅和感悟✦✦

參 考 範 文

We ended up filling two jumbo bags with different kinds of leaves. Oak, maple, and sycamore leaves crunched under our feet .( 運用了as引導的時間狀語從句) Ollie was right: there was something thrilling about the idea of creating a costume out of nature’s own supplies. As we walked back to Ollie’s house, our bags rustling with each step. I couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement for the upcoming contest..(運用了省略關系代詞that的定語從句)

Then the big moment came. On the night of the contest, the park a colorful spectacle of creativity. As we arrived, we saw pirates, princesses, and even a giant jellyfish made entirely of balloons. Amidst the crowd, Ollie and I stood proudly in our leafy attire. Whenpresent our costume, we confidently strutted onto the makeshift stage. , the crowd . Our innovative choice. As we walked home that night, our makeshift tree costumes, we couldn’t stop smiling. Sometimes, the best themes are the ones you create yourself. (運用了省略關系代詞that的定語從句)

高 分 範 文

We ended up filling two jumbo bags with different kinds of leaves. The excitement bubbled within us as we handpicked the vibrant foliage, (運用了as引導的時間狀語從句) envisioning the fantastical costumes they could become. to our collection, our anticipation swelled, (運用了with + 賓語+ 賓補) igniting a collaborative burst of creativity. Laughter filled the crisp air as we experimented with various leaf arrangements, casting aside any concerns about a predefined theme to revel purely in the joy of creation. (運用了現在分詞作狀語)Despite our hands the colorful marks of our labor, we found delight in fashioning something extraordinary from nature's bounty. When our task was completed, our garments-to-be brimmed with potential, (運用了現在分詞作狀語) Then came the grand moment. (運用了with + 賓語+ 賓補)we our leafy ensembles, (運用了形容詞作狀語)As we approached the contest grounds, a mixture of excitement and anticipation enveloped us,. (運用了過去分詞作狀語)A midst the kaleidoscope of imaginative costumes, our leaf-clad figures stood out as a testament to the power of friendship and . Immersed in the festivities, exchanging smiles and admiring the craftsmanship of fellow revelers, (運用了分詞作狀語)regardless of the contest's outcome, we had already woven precious memories and strengthened the bonds of camaraderie through our shared pursuit of creative expression.(運用了賓語從句)
