

{"info":{"title":{"content":"一個中成藥,治頸肩腰腿痛、全身關節痛,祛風濕、補肝腎、益氣血","en":"A Chinese patent medicine for the treatment of neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain, joint pain all over the body, dispelling rheumatism, tonifying the liver and kidneys, and invigorating qi and blood"},"description":{"content":"人們常說,勞動最光榮,祖祖輩輩們,面朝黃土背朝天,用辛勤的汗水和默默的耕耘譜寫美好的明天。也正是因為辛勤勞作,難免會出現...","en":"It is often said that labor is the most glorious, and the ancestors have been facing the loess with their backs to the sky, and writing a better tomorrow with hard sweat and silent hard work. It is precisely because of hard work that it is inevitable that there will be..."}},"items":[]}