

{"info":{"title":{"content":"定時上午九點!五一假期第一彈搶票福利馬上開啟!","en":"Timed at 9 o'clock in the morning! The first ticket grabbing benefit of the May Day holiday will be opened immediately!"},"description":{"content":"春光甚好{惠民搶票}在這春暖花開的五一邂逅書香四溢的年度好書鎖定大銀幕上的光影奇緣……市北文馨惠民消費券終!于!來!了!...","en":"The spring is very good {Huimin grabs tickets} In this spring May Day, I met the bookish good books of the year, and locked the light and shadow on the big screen...... Shibei Wenxin Huimin Consumption Voucher is finally here..."}},"items":[]}