
NBA季後賽明天4月29日預測 :第二場快船遭遇三連敗 第四場太陽出局

{"info":{"title":{"content":"NBA季後賽明天4月29日預測 :第二場快船遭遇三連敗 第四場太陽出局","en":"NBA Playoffs Predictions for tomorrow, April 29: Game 2 Clippers suffer a three-game losing streak Game 4 Suns out"},"description":{"content":"首輪季後賽東部看好凱爾特人、尼克斯、步行者和騎士晉級;西部看好雷霆、掘金、森林狼和獨行俠晉級。今天有四場比賽,賽前預測錯...","en":"In the first round of the playoffs, the East favors the Celtics, Knicks, Pacers and Cavaliers to advance, while the West favors the Thunder, Nuggets, Timberwolves and Mavericks to advance. There are four matches today, and the pre-match prediction is wrong..."}},"items":[]}