

{"info":{"title":{"content":"納達爾一勝解千愁,時隔近兩年再次擊敗世界排名前20球員,坦承勝利意義重大","en":"Nadal relieved his sorrows with a victory, beating the world's top 20 players for the first time in nearly two years, admitting that the victory was significant"},"description":{"content":"4月28日,在ATP馬德裡大師賽男單第二輪比賽中,西班牙紅土名将納達爾以7比6和6比3擊敗10号種子德米納爾,為上周在巴...","en":"On April 28, in the second round of the men's singles at the ATP Madrid Masters, Spanish clay star Rafael Nadal defeated 10th seed De Minaur 7-6, 6-3, to prepare the way for last week's victory in Madrid."}},"items":[]}