

{"info":{"title":{"content":"國内豪華SUV銷量TOP10:仰望U8沖入十強,問界M9第4,寶馬X5排第3","en":"Top 10 domestic luxury SUV sales: Looking up to the U8 to enter the top 10, the M9 ranks 4th, and the BMW X5 ranks 3rd"},"description":{"content":"人們期待一輛車能夠展現出磅礴的氣勢,提供寬敞舒适的駕乘環境,并且在内飾設計與用料上展現出奢華質感。這種三位一體的需求,恰...","en":"People expect a car that can show a majestic momentum, provide a spacious and comfortable driving environment, and show a luxurious texture in the interior design and materials. This need for a trinity is just..."}},"items":[]}