

{"info":{"title":{"content":"美籍華人翁萬戈:将183件國寶無償捐給美國,給祖國卻要450萬美元","en":"Chinese-American Weng Wange: donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge, but asked for $4.5 million to the motherland"},"description":{"content":"文|雲上烏托邦資訊源:本文陳述所有内容皆有可靠資訊來源贅述在文章結尾曆史如長江的滔滔江水,奔流不息,時光卷起江底的沙石,...","en":"Text: Utopia on the CloudInformation Source: All the content stated in this article is based on reliable information sourcesAt the end of the article, history is like the surging water of the Yangtze River, flowing endlessly, and time rolls up the sand and gravel at the bottom of the river,..."}},"items":[]}