
php printer open,Call to undefined function printer_open()

Download the zip for your version. First try with ts. If it does not work, try nts.

Unzip and copy the php_printer.dll file. Paste here: C:\wamp\bin\php(phpyourversion)\ext . Note: (phpyourversion) will be like php5.5.12 depending on your version.

Find the loaded php.ini file. Use phpinfo or Wamp menu to find it. Look online for more help.

Paste this at the end of the file: extension=php_printer.dll

Restart server.

Create a file with the following code and test it:

$printer_name = "Your Printer Name exactly as it is"; $handle = printer_open($printer_name); printer_start_doc($handle, "My Document"); printer_start_page($handle); $font = printer_create_font("Arial", 100, 100, 400, false, false, false, 0); printer_select_font($handle, $font); printer_draw_text($handle, 'This sentence should be printed.', 100, 400); printer_delete_font($font); printer_end_page($handle); printer_end_doc($handle); printer_close($handle);

If the above does not work, try with nts version of the php_printer.dll file as mentioned in step two. remember to restart server after deleting the previous file, pasting the new file.