

 1.bachelor [ˈbætʃələ(r)]:單身漢;single lady:單身女性;I am single:我單身;I am not seeing anyone:我單身;I am back on the market:我恢複單身了;

2.傳奇英文版: Fairy Tale

In that misty morning when I saw your smiling face (晨霧依稀隐笑顔)

You only look at me and I was yours(入伊眼簾,入我心田)

But when I trun around you were nowhere to be seen(蓦然回首,消失不見)

You  have walked away and closed the door(伊已尋迹把門掩)  

When will I see you again(何時才能再見)

When will the sky stop the rain(何時待到連陰雨)

When will the stars start to shine(何時星辰光芒閃)

When will I know that you are mine(何時抱得美人歸田園)

Did I ever meet you in the sunshine(曾否邂逅晴潋滟)

And when we  were both a thousand years away(曾否等待逾千年)

Did I ever hold you in the moonlight(曾否月色撩人手相牽)

Did we make every minute last another day(曾否把須臾螢火熔成恒久想念)

On a cold December night I gave my heart to you(寒冬臘月我把真心獻)

And by the summer you are gone(庚日福田難睹伊人面)

Now as the days grow older and the stars will start to dim(時光流轉人老星辰暗)

All I have are memories and this song(唯餘此曲回響記憶随風散)

3.show interest in your colleagues:表現出對同僚感興趣;Learn to listen better:學會更高的傾聽;Respect people's time:尊重别人的時間;:Keep your personal problems at home私人問題不帶進工作

Creativity forgives everything:樂高皆創意,件件具巧思。---樂高廣告語

4.team player:有團隊合作精神的人;build a team:組建團隊;work in a team:在團隊中工作;assign tasks:安排任務;cooperate:v 合作

I need to build a team for the new project:我需要為新項目元件一個團隊。

Lily is a great team palyer:Lily很有合作精神。

She cooperates well with other team members:她跟其他團隊成員都合作的很好。

A leader should assign tasks well:上司需要安排好任務。

5.You don't look too good today,are you not feeling well?:你今天看上去不太好,不舒服嗎?

Yeah,I've caugth a cold:是的,我感冒了。

No wonder you look so pale。難怪你臉色看起來那麼蒼白。

By the way,have you  heard the saying?:對了,你聽說過一種說法嗎?

About colds?what is it?:關于感冒嗎?是什麼呢?

It takes seven days to cure a cold if you take medicine.if you don't it,it takes one week.:感冒吃藥7天好,不吃藥一周好。

That's funny! Anyway,hope you get well soon. :有意思,總之希望你早點好起來。

Thanks,you take care,as well.:謝謝,你也照顧好自己。

6.It's only the middle of the month and  i've already spent all my salary again.:才到月中,我的工資就又花完了。

You never seem to make ends meet.:你好像總是不能量入為出。

Controlling my desire to shop is way too hard for me.:對我來說,控制購物欲實在太難啦。

But you have to ! It's  the first step to your financial [faɪˈnænʃl] management.:但你必須要這麼做,才能邁出理财的第一步。

You're rigth.I have suffered a lot from excessive consumption[ikˈsesiv kənˈsʌmpʃən].:沒錯,我因為過度消費沒少吃苦頭。

It's never too late to start planning financially.:現在開始制定理财計劃也不算晚哦。

7.I am so fed up with my boss!:我真是受夠了我的老闆!

What happened to you ,Alex?

He‘s a workaholic [ˌwɜ:kəˈhɒlɪk],and all he does is make us work overtime!:他這個工作狂,就知道讓我們沒完沒了的加班。

Worse still,he's picky and bossy.:更糟糕的是,他哈挑剔又專橫。

If you can't stand him any more,maybe it's time to change your job.:如果你實在忍受不了他,可能是時候換個工作了。

8.Learn to accept gift from your colleagues.:學會接受同僚的禮物。

Even if you won't eat it,say you will save it for later.:即使你真的不想吃,也可以說我先放着等會吃。

Hi,I  don't know  how to use this printer.Would you mind showing me the ropes?:你能教教我嗎?

Sure,just push this button and ...Here you go.:當然了,按下這個鍵...然後就可以了。

Thank you so much . By the way,I'm Robin, the new sales assistant [əˈsɪstənt].:太感謝了,對了,我是羅賓,新來的銷售助理。

Welcome,Robin.I‘m Ted.Here,have a donut[ˈdəuˌnʌt],I made it myself.:歡迎啊,羅賓。我是泰德。來,吃個甜甜圈吧,我自己做的。

Thanks.Um,it's so delicious. You should totally become a pastry[ˈpeɪstri] chef [ʃef] .:謝謝..嗯,太好吃啦。你應該去當個糕點師傅。

Thank you,I've always wanted to be one.But you know,it's not a regular job.:謝謝,我确實一直想當個糕點師,但是你也知道,這不是一個正規的工作。

I have a friend named Ellen.Cooking pastry is her part time job.It's no harm earning some extra money.:我有個朋友叫Ellen,他平時兼職做糕點。掙點外快總沒什麼錯是吧。

Good point,mybe I'll try it some time.:有道理,我回頭也試試。

Anyway,it's really nice to meet you,Bobin. If you need any help,ask me.:不管怎麼樣,很高興見到你,羅賓。如果你有需要幫忙的,盡管問我。

Tanks,Ted.I'll enjoy my honeymoon phase in the company.:謝謝泰德。我會把握在公司的蜜月期問問題的機會的。

You  can be forgiven for making constant mistakes during honeymoon phase [feɪz]階段.:新人在“蜜月期”犯各種錯誤都可以被原諒.

Small talk with your colleagues can be very effective.:和同僚閑扯淡很有效。

9.hand  over:交接;write a list of your daily work.:寫一個日常工作的單子。

communicate with your boss and co-worker.:和你的老闆、同僚溝通。

write a formal handover email.:寫一封正式的交接郵件。

10.All right,ladies and gentlemen,that was the last item on the agenda.:好啦,各位,這是議程的最後一項。(agenda[əˈdʒendə]n.議事日程; 待議諸事項一覽表; 日常工作事項; 議程( agendum的名詞複數))

Wow.We covered a lot this morning.:哇,一上午我們讨論了好多東西。

Before we end this presentation,are there any questions or concerns?:結束前,你們有什麼問題或者疑慮嗎?(presentation [ˌpreznˈteɪʃn] n. 送出; 演出; 陳述,報告; 頒獎儀式;                                             concern [kənˈsɜ:n]  n.關心; 關系,有關; 顧慮; 公司或企業;)

Do you have extra copies of the handout?:有多餘的講義嗎?( handout[ˈhændaʊt] n. 講義; 救濟品; 施舍物; 印刷品; )

Yes,how many do you need?:有,你要幾張?


Here you go.:給。

11.personal information:個人資訊;job objective [əbˈdʒektɪv]:求職意向;qualifications[kwɒlɪfɪ'keɪʃnz] :相關技能;educational background:教育背景;work experience:工作經曆;

awards and achievements:所獲榮譽;hobbies and interests:興趣愛好;

 12.bonus [ˈbəʊnəs]:獎金   year end bonus:年終獎  

I just got my year end  bonus:我剛拿到了我的年終獎;

Congratulations!What are you going to do with it?:恭喜恭喜!你打算拿着錢幹嘛呢?

I don't know.Any suggestions?:我不知道,你有建議嗎?

Well,it depends on your financial [faɪˈnænʃl] plans.:嗯,這取決于你的理财計劃了。

I don't have  any financial plans.:我沒什麼理财計劃。

We can talk about it if you want.:如果你願意的話,我們可以聊聊。

That  be great! Thanks!:好呀,謝謝!

 13.I'm working late tonight,so have dinner without me.:我今天晚上要加班,别等我吃飯了.

Come on,you've worked overtime for the entire week!:不會吧,你已經連續加班一周啦。

I need to finish up this project ,you know.:我要按時完成這個項目啊,你知道的。

All right,just try not stay up too late.:好吧,不過盡量還是别熬太晚了。

14.Too many people think they have to find the one idea.:許多人認為他們必須找到一個正确的想法。

There's nothing wrong with failing.:失敗沒什麼錯

I‘ve told a lot of people it doesn't matter how many times you fail.:我跟很多人說過,失敗多少次,根本沒關系。

If  you get it right,you're an overnight success.:如果你對了一次,你就會迅速獲得成功。(an overnight success:一夜成名)

15.You seem to be in a bad mood these days.:你最近看起來心情不好的樣子。(mood [mu:d]心情; 語氣; 氣氛; 壞心境)

What’s the matter with you?你是怎麼了?( matter[ˈmætə(r)]n:物質; 事件; (讨論、考慮等的) 問題; 重要性;vi:要緊,重要; 化膿; 有重大影響; 有重要性)

I get irritable and depressed easily after the October holiday.:十一長假結束以來,我變得情緒低落又易怒(irritable[ˈɪrɪtəbl]adj:易怒的,急躁的; 過敏的; 應激性的; 毛躁   

depressed[dɪˈprest]adj:情緒低落的,沮喪的; 蕭條的; 下陷的,低的; 中間凹下的;v:壓下(depress的過去式和過去分詞); 使愁苦; 降低(價格); 使跌價)

I think I'm suffering from post-holiday syndrome.:我可能得了節後綜合症。(syndrome[ˈsɪndrəʊm]n:綜合征; 綜合症狀; 典型表現)

It may be caused by your irregular lifestyle during the vacation.:大概是因為假期生活不規律導緻的吧。

You're right on the money.:你說中要害了。(on the money:正好的,私毫不差的;)

16.There's a hero,if you look inside your heart.:又一位英雄,如果你探尋内心。

You don't have to be afraid of what you are.:你不必害怕自己是什麼。

There's an answer, if you reach into you soul.:有一種答案,若果你深入自己的靈魂。

And the sorrow that you know will melt away.:你所經曆的痛苦,将随之消散。

And  then a hero comes along.:然後有一位英雄孤獨的走來。

With  the strength to carry on.:伴随着力量前進。

And  you cast your fears aside.:把你的恐懼甩到一邊。

And  you know you can survive.:你明白你能活下來。

So when you feel like hope is gone.:是以當你感覺希望破滅之時,

Look inside you and be strong.:審視自己,保持堅強。

And you'll finally see the truth.:最終你将明白,

That  a hero lies in you.:英雄氣魄就在你身上。


A  man's dream will never die!:人的夢想,是不會終結的!--黑胡子

I'm gonna become the King of the Pirates(Pirate[ˈpaɪrət])!:我是要成為海賊王的男人!--路飛(海盜( pirate [ˈpaɪrət]的名詞複數 ); 剽竊者; 侵犯版權者; 非法播音的人(或組織))

Loneliness is no longer part of my vocabulary.:我的字典裡再也沒有孤獨這兩個字了!--布魯克

I‘ll have mapped out the entire world!:我要畫出一張世界地圖!--娜美

One Piece does exist!:One Piece 是真是存在的!--白胡子


The more the more the more I alone, no friends, no support, I will respect myself. 我越是孤獨,越是沒有朋友,越是沒有支援,我就得越尊重我自己。

 If you can't avoid, you have to go to bear. Can't stand destined( [ˈdestɪnd])注定(destine的過去式和過去分詞) to endure([ɪnˈdjʊə(r)]v:忍耐; 容忍vi:忍耐;持續,持久) things in life, is weak and foolish.假如你避免不了,就得去忍受。不能忍受生命中注定要忍受的事情,就是軟弱和愚蠢的表現。

You think I'm going to insignificant ( [ˌɪnsɪgˈnɪfɪkənt]adj:不重要的; 微小的; 毫無意義的; 不足道)here? Do you think I am a robot without feelings? Do you think I am poor, obscure( [əbˈskjʊə(r)]adj:昏暗的,朦胧的; 晦澀的,不清楚的; 隐蔽的; 不著名的,無名的), plain, small mu mesons(介子), I have no soul and no heart? You think wrong, you and I have as much soul and full as much heart. If god give me a little beauty, a lot of money, I will you to leave me, just like I have to leave you. I'm not in the rules of social life and customs to talk with you, but my heart with your heart.  你以為我會無足輕重的留在這裡嗎?你以為我是一架沒有感情的機器人嗎?你以為我貧窮、低微、不美、缈小,我就沒有靈魂,沒有心嗎?你想錯了,我和你有一樣多的靈魂,一樣充實的心。如果上帝賜予我一點美,許多錢,我就要你難以離開我,就象我現在難以離開你一樣。我現在不是以社會生活和習俗的準則和你說話,而是我的心靈同你的心靈講話。

Even if the world hate you, and believe that you are very bad, as long as you keep conscience([ˈkɒnʃəns]n:良心; 道德心) clear, then know that you are innocent( [ˈɪnəsnt]adj:清白的; 天真無邪的; 無辜的,無罪的; 無知的 ; n:無辜者; 頭腦簡單的人; 天真無邪的人), you won't be without friends. 即使整個世界恨你,并且相信你很壞,隻要你自己問心無愧,知道你是清白的,你就不會沒有朋友。

You think I'm poor and plain( [pleɪn]adj:平的; 素的; 清晰的; 相貌平平的;n:平原; 平地; [紡織業] 平針;樸實無華的東西;adv:清楚地,明白地; 平易地; [用以加強語氣] 顯然; 完全地), there is no feelings?

I swear to you: if god gifted me beauty and   wealth, I will let you to leave me, as I have to leave you. God no such arrangements. But our spirit is equal. As I walked through the grave([ɡreɪv]n:墳墓,墓穴; 埋葬…的地方; 下場; 死亡;adj:嚴重的; 重大的,重要的; [音樂] 沉重的; (顔色等) 樸素的;adv:沉重地,莊重地; 極慢地), you equal standing in front of god.你以為我貧窮、相貌平平就沒有感情嗎?我向你起誓:如果上帝賜予我财富和美貌,我會讓你難于離開我,就像我現在難于離開你一樣。上帝沒有這樣安排。但我們的精神是平等的。就如同你我走過墳墓,平等的站在上帝面前。

I can't control my eyes, could not help but want to go to see him, like a thirsty( [ˈθɜ:sti]) man knowing that toxic ( [ˈtɒksɪk]adj:有毒的; 中毒的; 因中毒引起的;n:毒物; 毒劑)but also drink water. I originally had no intention ([ɪnˈtenʃn]n:意向; 意圖,目的; 意義,意旨;)of going out to love him, I also tried to put out the bud([bʌd]n:芽,萌芽; 蓓蕾,骨朵; 未成熟的人,少男少女; 〈美〉剛進社交界的姑娘vi:發芽,長出蓓蕾; 開始發育; <植>芽接) of love, but when I saw him again, again love the bottom of my heart.我無法控制自己的眼睛,忍不住要去看他,就像口幹舌燥的人明知水裡有毒卻還要喝一樣。我本來無意去愛他,我也曾努力的掐掉愛的萌芽,但當我又見到他時,心底的愛又複活了。

I'm eager( [ˈi:gə(r)]adj:急切; 渴望的; 熱心的; 熱切的,熱情洋溢的be eager to do sth,渴望做某事 be eager for sth渴望得到什麼) to have their own beyond the limit of vision, so that I arrived in the heart of the world, I had some smell, arrived in those never witnessed(witness [ˈwɪtnəs]目擊者,見證人; [法] 證人; 證據;vt:出席或知道; 作記錄; 提供或作為…的證據;vi:見證; 做證人) the vibrant([ˈvaɪbrənt]adj:振動的; 響亮的; 充滿生氣的) towns and regions( ['ri:dʒənz]n:地區( region的名詞複數 ); [數學] 區域; (藝術、科學等的) 領域; 行政區).我渴望自己具有超越那極限的視力,以便使我的目光抵達繁華的世界,抵達那些我曾有所聞,卻從未目睹過的生機勃勃的城鎮和地區。

Life is too short, should not be used to bear grudges( [grʌdʒ]n:怨恨; 妒忌; 不滿; 惡意;vt:懷恨; 吝惜; 妒忌; 不情願做). Living life, who will have mistakes, but we will die soon. Our SINS(n:違背宗教[道德原則]的惡行( sin的名詞複數;v:犯罪,犯過錯( sin的第三人稱單數 ) ); 罪惡,罪孽; 過錯,罪過; 愚蠢的事,可恥的事) will be disappeared with our bodies, leaving only the spark of spirit. This is what I never wanted to revenge( [rɪˈvendʒ]n:報仇,報複;vt:為…報仇,報…之仇), and never consider life unfair. Quiet( [ˈkwaɪət]adj:清靜的; 僻靜的; 不起眼的; 不激動的;vt:安靜下來,使…安靜,平靜;vt:減輕(病痛、疑慮、恐懼等); [法律]确定(産權等) life, I am just waiting for the end of the coming.生命太短暫了,不應該用來記恨。人生在世,誰都會有錯誤,但我們很快會死去。我們的罪過将會随我們的身體一起消失,隻留下精神的火花。這就是我從來不想報複,從來不認為生活不公平的原因。我平靜的生活,等待末日的降臨。

Violence([ˈvaɪələns]n:暴力,強暴,暴虐; 猛烈,激烈; 歪曲(事實),曲解(意義); 冒渎,不敬) is not the best way to eliminate( [ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt] vt:淘汰; 排除,消除; 除掉; <口>幹掉) the hatred( [ˈheɪtrɪd]n:仇恨,憎惡; 敵意), also, revenge([rɪˈvendʒ]n:報仇,報複;vt:為…報仇,報…之仇) is also absolutely([ˈæbsəlu:tli]adv:絕對地; 完全地; 毫無疑問地; [語] 獨立地,分離地) can't heal( [hi:l]vt:恢複健康的狀态; 使恢複正常; 使(某人)精神恢複健康vi:變得完整和健全

) damage([ˈdæmɪdʒ]vt:損害,毀壞;n:損害,損毀; 賠償金


If someone doesn't love me, I would rather die than live - I can't stand loneliness and loathing([ˈləʊðɪŋ]n:厭惡,憎恨;憎恨;v:厭惡( loathe的現在分詞); 極不喜歡).如果别人不愛我,我甯願死去而不願活着——我受不了孤獨和被人憎惡。

Life is too short, should not be used to bear grudges(不滿,怨恨,妒忌( grudge的名詞複數 )).生命太短暫了,不應該用來記恨。

Listen to the people, the more anxious( [ˈæŋkʃəs]adj:焦急的; 渴望的; 令人焦慮的; 流露出憂慮的), said the more powerfully.聽的人越焦急,說的人越起勁。

Some people say that looking back pain past is pleasure.有人說,回首痛苦的往事是一種享受。(pain [peɪn]n:痛苦; 刻苦; 令人厭煩的人[事物]; 身體某部分的疼痛[不适;vt:使) 疼痛,(使)痛苦,傷害vt:使…痛苦; 使…煩惱)( [past[pɑ:st]adj:過去的,以前的; 結束的; 前任的;n:往事; 過去,過往; [語] 過去時)

Life is too short, don't have time to hate a person so long.生命太短暫了,沒時間恨一個人那麼久。

Starting today, Sir, I will never leave you.從今天起,先生,我永遠也不會離開你了。

Forget the dream of the disaster, single want to real happiness!忘掉夢幻中的災禍,單想現實中的幸福吧!(disaster[dɪˈzɑ:stə(r)]n:災難; 徹底的失敗; 不幸; 禍患)

Though I was a child, but wouldn't go as empty pages with hand over.雖說我是孩子,卻不願當做空頁随手翻過。

Get up the courage to face the worst outcome, it is finally here.鼓足勇氣準備面對最壞的結局,它終于來了。(outcome[ˈaʊtkʌm]n:結果; 成果; 出路)

Being abandoned by fate, always forgotten by his friends!被命運所抛棄的人,總是被他的朋友們遺忘!(abandoned [əˈbændənd]adj:被放棄的,被遺棄的; 熱情洋溢的; 寡廉鮮恥的,恣意放蕩的; 沒有限制的)

Life is equal, I must, I can also be equal to the pursuit of love.人生而平等,我必須,我也可以平等地追求愛。( pursuit[pəˈsju:t]n:追趕; 工作)

Inanimate objects, still have to life has been beyond recognition.無生命的東西依舊,有生命的東西已面目全非。(Inanimate [ɪnˈænɪmət]adj:無生命的; 單調的; 無生氣的; 無精打采的)(objects:目标; 物體( object的名詞複數 ); 賓語; 實體)(recognition[ˌrekəgˈnɪʃn]n:認識,識别; 承認,認可; 褒獎; 酬勞)

I will only live quietly and silently looking forward to the end of the.我隻會平靜地生活,并默默地期待着末日的來臨。

Don't because I'm a humble woman, will not dominate the right to love you.别因我是個卑微的女子,就沒有主宰愛你的權利。( humble[ˈhʌmbl]adj:謙遜的; 簡陋的; (級别或地位) 低下的; 不大的;vt:使謙恭; 輕松打敗(尤指強大的對手); 低聲下氣)( dominate[ˈdɒmɪneɪt]v:支配,影響; 占有優勢; 在…中具有最重要的特色; 在…中擁有最重要的位置)

Now that the trial is unable to avoid, just had to crustily skin of head to put up with it any more.既然審判已無法回避,就隻得硬着頭皮去忍受了。(trial[ˈtraɪəl]n:試驗; [法] 審訊,審判; 磨難,困難; [體] 選拔賽adj:試驗的; [法] 審訊的)(crustily ['krʌstɪlɪ]adv:有硬皮地,(言詞、态度)粗魯地,粗暴地)

I'm ready for your tears like rain, just hope it falls in my chest!我準備你熱淚如雨,隻不過希望它落在我的胸膛!(chest[tʃest]n:箱子; 胸部,胸腔; 金庫; 資金)

Talk to each other is a kind of hear, but more active thinking.互相交談不過是一種聽得見、更活躍的思索罷了。(active [ˈæktɪv]adj:積極的,活躍的,有生氣的; 迅速的,靈活的; 有效的,起作用的;n:[文法] 主動語态; 積極分子,活躍的人)

But, what's better than youth capricious? What's better than willful blindness?但是,有什麼比青春更任性嗎?有什麼比任性更盲目呢?(youth[ju:θ]n:年輕; 青年,小夥子; 初期,少年(青年)時期; 〈集合詞〉青少年們)(capricious [kəˈprɪʃəs]adj:反複無常的; 任性的; 多變的; 變化無常的)(willful['wɪlfəl]adj:任性的; 故意的; 固執的; 存心的)( blindness['blaɪndnəs]n:失明; 盲目; 無知; 輕率)

Reason hold the REINS and sitting, don't let your emotional tu put her into a hole.理智穩坐着而且握住缰繩,不讓感情突放使她陷入荒穴。(reins [reinz]n:感情,激情; 缰( rein的名詞複數 ); 控制手段; 掌管; (成人帶着幼兒走路以防其走失時用的) 保護帶;v:駕馭; 勒缰繩使(馬)停步( rein的第三人稱單數 ); 嚴格控制; 加強管理)(emotional [ɪˈməʊʃənl]adj:表現強烈情感的; 令人動情的; 易動感情的; 感情脆弱的)

Not violence, can overcome hate most can heal wounds is not revenge.最能克服仇恨的并不是暴力,最能醫治創傷的也不是報複。(wounds 

['wu:ndz]n:傷口; 傷痕; 創傷( wound的名詞複數 ); (心靈上的) 傷;v:使受傷,傷害( wound的第三人稱單數 ); 使(心靈)受傷,傷感情; 偷盜( swipe的過去式和過去分詞 ); 卷繞v:)(overcome [ˌəʊvəˈkʌm]vt:戰勝,克服; 壓倒,制服,…不堪;被(煙、感情等)熏[壓]倒,使受不了;vi:受到…的極大影響)

You this beautiful lovely bird, you want my heart bit where to go?你這個美麗可愛的小鳥,你要把我的心銜到什麼地方去呢?

Even for people like me, also, after all, there are few sunshine in life.即便是對我這樣的人來說,生活中也畢竟還有幾縷陽光呢。

A phase of my life will end tonight, tomorrow will start a new phase.我生活的一個階段今晚就要結束,明天将開始一個新的階段。

Patience to endure the pain, only oneself feel than hasty action, result is better.耐心忍受隻有自己感到的痛苦,遠比草率行動,産生惡果要好。(Patience [ˈpeɪʃns]n:忍耐; 耐心,耐性; 單人紙牌遊戲)(hasty [ˈheɪsti]adj:草率的; 輕率的; 倉促完成的; 急忙的)

Human nature is not perfect! Even the most bright planets also have this kind of dark spots.人的天性就是這樣的不完美!即使最明亮的行星也有這類黑斑。(planets [p'lænɪts]n:行星( planet的名詞複數 ); 地球(尤指環境))(spots[spɒts]n:斑點; 地點( spot的名詞複數 ); 少量; 污迹)

Desolate so within the boundary of the rocky coastlines, asing if is imprisoned, the limit of exile.荒涼不堪岩石嶙峋的邊界之内,仿佛是囚禁地,是放逐的極限。( desolate[ˈdesələt]adj:荒涼的; 無人的; 孤獨的,凄涼的; 荒廢的;vt:使荒無人煙,使荒蕪; 使凄涼,使孤單)(boundary [ˈbaʊndri]n:分界線; 範圍; (球場) 邊線

)(rocky [ˈrɒki]adj:多岩石的; 堅如磐石的,堅硬的; 麻木的; 頭暈目眩的)(coastline

[ˈkəʊstlaɪn]n:海岸線; 海岸地形(或輪廓))(imprison[ɪmˈprɪzn]vt:關押,監禁; 束縛,禁锢; 使…不自由

)(exile[ˈeksaɪl]vt:放逐,流放; 使背井離鄉;n:流放,放逐,流亡; 長期離家[出國]; 被流放者,背井離鄉者)

I have never trained, the principle of due to a lack of care, so it's possible long crooked.我的原則從來沒有受過訓練,由于缺乏照料,是以有可能長歪了。(principle [ˈprɪnsəpl]n:原則,原理; 準則,道義; 道德标準; 本能)(crook [krʊk]n:騙子; 彎曲; 鈎; 詭計vt:使成鈎狀; 使彎曲;vi:彎曲)

I gave up a prayer, a more humble prayer, pray for change, for stimulation.我放棄了祈禱,設想了一個更謙卑的祈求,祈求變化,祈求刺激。(humble [ˈhʌmbl]adj:adj:謙遜的; 簡陋的; (級别或地位) 低下的; 不大的)(stimulation[ˌstɪmjʊ'leɪʃn]n:刺激; 激發; 啟發; 促進)

Our spirit is equal. As you and I walk through the grave and stood equal before god.我們的精神是平等的。就如你我走過墳墓,平等地站在上帝面前。

Violence is not the best way to eliminate the hatred, also, revenge is also absolutely can't heal damage.暴力不是消除仇恨的最好辦法——同樣,報複也絕對醫治不了傷害。

Who says it is winter? When you are by my side, I feel flowers and birds singing cicadas.誰說現在是冬天呢?當你在我身旁時,我感到百花齊放(cicada [sɪˈkɑ:də]n:蟬)
