




Apple finally acknowledged that there are issues with the MacBook keyboard, Samsung showed off how it tested the Galaxy Fold for durability, and the FTC is cracking down on robocalls. And so much more!

蘋果最終承認MacBook鍵盤存在問題,三星展示了如何測試Galaxy Fold的耐用性,而聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)則嚴厲打擊了機器人通話。 還有更多!

蘋果新聞:對不起,“打那個鍵盤! (Apple News: Sorry ‘Bout that Keyboard!)

The third-generation MacBook keyboards have been getting heavily criticized for a while now, and Apple finally said something about it.


  • In a comment to The Wall Street Journal, an Apple spokesperson said they’re aware that a “small number of users” are having issues with the keyboard. They went on to say they were “sorry.” [Engadget]

    蘋果發言人在對《華爾街日報》的評論中說,他們知道“少數使用者”的鍵盤出現問題。 他們接着說他們“很抱歉”。 [ Engadget ]

  • WatchOS 5.2 is out, bringing ECG functionality to Europe and Hong Kong. [MacWorld]

    WatchOS 5.2已釋出,将ECG功能引入了歐洲和香港。 [ MacWorld ]

As Engadget points out in the linked piece, companies that focus on breakdowns and repairs (like iFixit) have found the system in the new MacBook keyboard to be fragile and a design flaw. That makes it’s something that affects all users (or probably will eventually)—not just a “small number of users.” Still, the fact that it was finally acknowledged does say something, and in typical Apple fashion, I bet we can expect to see a redesigned system in the next MacBook. It’ll fix the issue without having to admit that it’s, you know, an actual issue.

正如Engadget在連結文章中指出的那樣,專注于故障和維修的公司(例如iFixit)已經發現新MacBook鍵盤中的系統脆弱且存在設計缺陷。 這使得它影響到所有使用者(或者可能最終會影響),而不僅僅是少數使用者。 盡管如此,它最終得到認可的事實确實說明了一點,并且以典型的Apple方式,我敢打賭我們可以期望在下一代MacBook中看到重新設計的系統。 它可以解決問題,而不必承認這是一個實際問題。

Google新聞:I / O計劃已結束 (Google News: The I/O Schedule is Out)

Google I/O is one of the most exciting events of the year, as it’s when we get an idea of everything Google-related that we’ll be talking about for the upcoming year. It starts on May 7th.

Google I / O是一年中最激動人心的事件之一,因為當我們了解來年将要讨論的與Google相關的所有事情時。 它于5月7日開始。

  • Google released the I/O schedule, which highlights the opening keynote on May 7th at 10:00 AM CT. My calendar is already marked. [9to5Google]

    Google釋出了I / O時間表,該時間表重點介紹了5月7日美國東部時間上午10:00的開幕主題演講。 我的月曆已被标記。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • Not surprisingly, there’s going to be a heavy focus on Stadia, Assistant, dark mode, and Linux apps on Chrome OS. The thing that’s missing? WearOS. Because of course it is. [Android Police]

    毫不奇怪,将重點關注Chrome OS上的Stadia,Assistant,暗模式和Linux應用。 缺少的東西? WearOS。 當然是因為。 [ Android警察]

  • In other news, Google is killing the Drive plugin for Microsoft Office. Expect it to be deprecated on June 26th. [Techdows]

    在其他新聞中,Google正在殺死Microsoft Office的雲端硬碟插件。 預計将于6月26日棄用。 [ Techdows ]

  • The long-rumored Pixel 3a has leaked again, this time in purple. And it’s really purple. [9to5Google]

    傳聞已久的Pixel 3a再次洩漏,這次是紫色。 而且真的是紫色。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • The potential Pixelbook successor, internally known as “Atlas” also leaked. A little bit, anyway. [AboutChromebooks]

    Pixelbook的潛在繼任者(内部稱為“ Atlas”)也洩漏了。 無論如何,一點點。 [關于Chromebook ]

Many of us expected to see the “Pixelbook 2” launched at last year’s Pixel event alongside the Slate. That has long since passed without more than a murmur of the PB2, especially from Google itself. The recent Atlas preview shows that the device looks to still be on the roadmap, which is likely a relief to many who were concerned after Google reportedly disbanded its Create division—the one that’s responsible for laptops and tablets.

我們中的許多人都希望看到“ Pixelbook 2”在去年的Pixel活動上與Slate一同釋出。 早在那之後,PB2的雜音就不多了,尤其是來自Google本身。 Atlas的最新預覽顯示,該裝置看起來仍然處于發展路線中,據報道,在Google解散了其Create部門(負責筆記本電腦和平闆電腦的部門)後,這可能使許多關注的人感到寬慰。

So, what happens after the Atlas release? Your guess is as good as mine, but I can tell you that I hope it’s not the last Google laptop we see—I have the Pixelbook and it’s one of the best laptops I’ve ever owned.

那麼,Atlas釋出後會發生什麼? 您的猜測和我的一樣好,但是我可以告訴您,我希望它不是我們看到的最後一款Google筆記本電腦-我擁有Pixelbook,它是我擁有的最好的筆記本電腦之一。

三星新聞:折疊折疊,實體按鈕和…滅火器? (Samsung News: Folding the Fold, Physical Buttons, and…A Fire Extinguisher?)

Samsung doesn’t always get its own section in the news roundup. Today, it earned it.

三星并非總是在新聞綜述中擁有自己的闆塊。 今天,它赢得了。

  • Ever wondered how many times the Galaxy Fold can be folded before it will fold no more? Apparently, it’s 200,000 times. [Android Police]

    有沒有想過,Galaxy Fold可以折疊多少次才能不再折疊? 顯然,它是200,000次。 [ Android警察]

  • The word on the street is that the Note 10 may ditch all physical buttons. That means no power, no volume rocker. But…why? [Android Police]

    大街上的話是,Note 10可能會抛棄所有實體按鈕。 這意味着沒有動力,沒有音量搖杆。 但為什麼? [ Android警察]

  • On a different note, Samsung made a vase that’s also a fire extinguisher. You, um, you throw it at the fire. I’m still curious if this is an early April Fools’ prank. [The Verge]

    另一方面,三星制造了一個花瓶,它也是一個滅火器。 你,你把它扔到火上。 我仍然好奇這是否是愚人節的惡作劇。 [邊緣]

Let’s talk about that Note 10 rumor for a second. First of all, it’s only worth mentioning because it’s pretty outlandish—as Android Police points out, it’s pretty speculative right now. But at the same time, it’s also Samsung, so you never know.

我們再來讨論一下Note 10的謠言。 首先,值得一提的是,它非常怪異-正如Android Police指出的那樣,它現在是投機性的。 但同時,它也是三星,是以你永遠不會知道。

If it is real, however, I just want to know why. This seems like an impossibly impractical design—a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. When Apple killed the headphone jack (and Android manufacturers followed its lead), people were highly upset (to say the least). Can you imagine the backlash when companies start taking buttons away too? There’s no good reason for it.

但是,如果它是真實的,我隻想知道為什麼。 這似乎是一種不切實際的設計-一種不存在的問題的解決方案。 當蘋果殺死耳機插Kong(而Android制造商追随其領先地位)時,人們感到非常沮喪(至少可以這樣說)。 您能想象公司也開始取消按鈕時的反彈嗎? 沒有充分的理由。

But about that fire extinguisher. What if you miss?

但是關于那個滅火器。 如果您想念怎麼辦?

其他新聞:Robocallers終結的開始? (Other News: The Beginning of the End for Robocallers?)

No one likes robocalls. I bet robocallers don’t even like robocalls. The FTC surely hates robocalls.

沒有人喜歡自動通話。 我敢打賭,robocallers甚至不喜歡robocalls。 FTC肯定讨厭機器人呼叫。

  • The FTC shut down four of the biggest robocalling companies after hitting them with multimillion-dollar fines. Good on you, FTC. Doing that work. [Engadget]

    美國聯邦貿易委員會在對其處以數百萬美元的罰款後,關閉了四家最大的自動電話公司。 好的,聯邦貿易委員會。 做那個工作。 [ Engadget ]

  • Instagram is working on video scrubbing. It’s about time. [Android Police]

    Instagram正在進行視訊清理。 是時候了。 [ Android警察]

  • Spotify may release “Duo,” a two-person shared plan. With the solo plan at $9.99 a month and the family plan at $15.99, the Duo plan is expected to come in at…$12.50 a month. Makes sense to me. [Engadget]

    Spotify可能釋出兩人共享計劃“ Duo”。 單人套餐每月9.99美元,家庭套餐每月15.99美元,Duo套餐預計每月……12.50美元。 我感覺合理。 [ Engadget ]

Can you imagine living in a world free of robocalls? We currently live in a world where many people I know ignore more calls than they accept for this very reason—robocalls are prolific. Some people get them more than others, but regardless of how often you’re annoyed by these pointless (and potentially damaging) calls, they’re still something no one wants to deal with. Hopefully, we’ll start to see more aggressive action taken against the companies participating in this garbage.

您能想象一個沒有機器人電話的世界嗎? 目前,我們生活在這個世界上,我認識的許多人是以忽略了比他們所接受的電話更多的電話,這是很多原因。 有些人比其他人得到的更多,但是無論您多久被這些無意義的(可能造成破壞性的)電話所困擾,他們仍然是沒人願意處理的事情。 希望,我們将開始看到對參與此垃圾的公司采取更積極的行動。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/409244/daily-news-roundup-shoddy-macbook-keyboards-ftc-cracks-down-on-robocalls-and-more/
