
樹莓派 - RPi.GPIO

RPi.GPIO是通過Python/C API實作的,C代碼操作底層寄存器, python通過Python/C API調用這些C接口。

這是關于RPi.GPIO項目的介紹。 其中提到了有python 垃圾回收機制,并不适合于實時要求的應用。


This package provides a class to control the GPIO on a Raspberry Pi.

Note that this module is unsuitable for real-time or timing critical applications. This is because you can not predict when Python will be busy garbage collecting. It also runs under the Linux kernel which is not suitable for real time applications - it is multitasking O/S and another process may be given priority over the CPU, causing jitter in your program. 

關于Python/C API,有點類似于JNI,


  作為common object,用于參數和return



在樹莓派中之前編譯的系統,python, 以及RPi.GPIO module都已經預裝了,

[email protected]:~/python $ python led.py 

執行python led.py腳本,LED閃爍。

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

LED = 26

	while True:

下面是RPi.GPIO中 setmode的C代碼

// python function setmode(mode)
static PyObject *py_setmode(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
   int new_mode;

   if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &new_mode))
      return NULL;

   if (gpio_mode != MODE_UNKNOWN && new_mode != gpio_mode)
      PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "A different mode has already been set!");
      return NULL;

   if (setup_error)
      PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Module not imported correctly!");
      return NULL;

   if (new_mode != BOARD && new_mode != BCM)
      PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "An invalid mode was passed to setmode()");
      return NULL;

   if (rpiinfo.p1_revision == 0 && new_mode == BOARD)
      PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "BOARD numbering system not applicable on compute module");
      return NULL;

   gpio_mode = new_mode;
PyMethodDef rpi_gpio_methods[] = {
   {"setup", (PyCFunction)py_setup_channel, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, "Set up a GPIO channel or list of channels with a direction and (optional) pull/up down control\nchannel        - either board pin number or BCM number depending on which mode is set.\ndirection      - IN or OUT\n[pull_up_down] - PUD_OFF (default), PUD_UP or PUD_DOWN\n[initial]      - Initial value for an output channel"},
   {"cleanup", (PyCFunction)py_cleanup, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, "Clean up by resetting all GPIO channels that have been used by this program to INPUT with no pullup/pulldown and no event detection\n[channel] - individual channel or list/tuple of channels to clean up.  Default - clean every channel that has been used."},
   {"output", py_output_gpio, METH_VARARGS, "Output to a GPIO channel or list of channels\nchannel - either board pin number or BCM number depending on which mode is set.\nvalue   - 0/1 or False/True or LOW/HIGH"},
   {"input", py_input_gpio, METH_VARARGS, "Input from a GPIO channel.  Returns HIGH=1=True or LOW=0=False\nchannel - either board pin number or BCM number depending on which mode is set."},
   {"setmode", py_setmode, METH_VARARGS, "Set up numbering mode to use for channels.\nBOARD - Use Raspberry Pi board numbers\nBCM   - Use Broadcom GPIO 00..nn numbers"},
   {"getmode", py_getmode, METH_VARARGS, "Get numbering mode used for channel numbers.\nReturns BOARD, BCM or None"},
   {"add_event_detect", (PyCFunction)py_add_event_detect, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, "Enable edge detection events for a particular GPIO channel.\nchannel      - either board pin number or BCM number depending on which mode is set.\nedge         - RISING, FALLING or BOTH\n[callback]   - A callback function for the event (optional)\n[bouncetime] - Switch bounce timeout in ms for callback"},
   {"remove_event_detect", py_remove_event_detect, METH_VARARGS, "Remove edge detection for a particular GPIO channel\nchannel - either board pin number or BCM number depending on which mode is set."},
   {"event_detected", py_event_detected, METH_VARARGS, "Returns True if an edge has occured on a given GPIO.  You need to enable edge detection using add_event_detect() first.\nchannel - either board pin number or BCM number depending on which mode is set."},
   {"add_event_callback", (PyCFunction)py_add_event_callback, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, "Add a callback for an event already defined using add_event_detect()\nchannel      - either board pin number or BCM number depending on which mode is set.\ncallback     - a callback function"},
   {"wait_for_edge", (PyCFunction)py_wait_for_edge, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, "Wait for an edge.  Returns the channel number or None on timeout.\nchannel      - either board pin number or BCM number depending on which mode is set.\nedge         - RISING, FALLING or BOTH\n[bouncetime] - time allowed between calls to allow for switchbounce\n[timeout]    - timeout in ms"},
   {"gpio_function", py_gpio_function, METH_VARARGS, "Return the current GPIO function (IN, OUT, PWM, SERIAL, I2C, SPI)\nchannel - either board pin number or BCM number depending on which mode is set."},
   {"setwarnings", py_setwarnings, METH_VARARGS, "Enable or disable warning messages"},
   {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}