
An Overview of the AI in Football Games from Cheating to Machine Learning..Character Animation motion synthesis Physics simulation Individual Behaviors Tactical AI see also some research on adaptive AI in sports games

2008-1-27 10:16

An Overview of the AI in Football Games from Cheating to Machine Learning


1) first-person shooters

2) real-time strategy games

3) sports games

the AI of a sports game is  structured in a similar way than for FPS or RTS games


Character Animation

motion of the players的重要性 更模拟真實


1) actors moving

2) handling a ball

3) interacting with other characters

motion synthesis

Physics simulation

realistic animation can only be achieved using motion capture these days

Individual Behaviors

multiple steering behaviors

finite state machines

Tactical AI


mid-level in the architecture

重點 adapting to the player in both offense and defense

motion synthesis

see also

Programming Game AI by Example 裡的那個小足球遊戲

some research on adaptive AI in sports games

statistics to learn 

囧 看到2個國人了...
