
微軟預覽word_如何阻止Microsoft Word強調收縮錯誤

微軟預覽word_如何阻止Microsoft Word強調收縮錯誤


微軟預覽word_如何阻止Microsoft Word強調收縮錯誤

Microsoft Word will mark contractions like “I’m”, “don’t”, and “doesn’t”, as grammatical errors, showing that dashed line under them. For more casual documents, this can be annoying.

Microsoft Word會将諸如“我”,“不”和“不”之類的收縮标記為文法錯誤,并在其下方顯示虛線。 對于更多的臨時文檔,這可能很煩人。

In certain very formal workplaces, or under very formal style guides, contractions may be considered inappropriate and too informal. That’s why Microsoft Word has this option. But, if think contractions are fine—and they are, in most situations—you can tell Word not to bug you about them.

在某些非常正式的工作場所,或在非常正式的風格指導下,收縮可能被認為是不适當的且過于随意。 這就是Microsoft Word具有此選項的原因。 但是,如果認為收縮很好-并且在大多數情況下都可以-可以告訴Word不要為它們煩惱。

To change this setting, click the “File” button on the ribbon in Microsoft Word.

要更改此設定,請在Microsoft Word中單擊功能區上的“檔案”按鈕。

微軟預覽word_如何阻止Microsoft Word強調收縮錯誤

Click “Options” at the bottom left corner of the menu that appears.


微軟預覽word_如何阻止Microsoft Word強調收縮錯誤

Click the “Proofing” category in the left sidebar of the Word Options window.

單擊“ Word選項”視窗左側欄中的“校對”類别。

微軟預覽word_如何阻止Microsoft Word強調收縮錯誤

Scroll down and click the “Settings” button to the right of Writing Style under the “When correcting spelling and grammar in Word” section.


微軟預覽word_如何阻止Microsoft Word強調收縮錯誤

Scroll down in the Grammar Settings window that appears and uncheck the “Contractions” option under Formal Language.


In other words, with the box checked, Word will warn you about contractions. With the box unchecked, Word will ignore contractions.

換句話說,在選中該複選框的情況下,Word會警告您有關收縮的資訊。 取消選中該複選框,Word将忽略收縮。

Click “OK” to save your changes.


微軟預覽word_如何阻止Microsoft Word強調收縮錯誤

Word won’t warn you about contractions anymore, either in the current document or any future documents.


If you do discover contractions are a problem, you can return here, check the “Contractions” box, and click “OK” to have Word display contractions as errors once again.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/337622/how-to-stop-microsoft-word-from-underlining-contractions-as-grammatical-errors/
