



And again i hear the stories you know by connecting people together by giving people the window to discover we have given many small businesses and many people your common person a voice that they will never otherwise have and i think that's the power of the platform so you definitely have identified early just how you know we're social creatures we need 安全措施 i've heard a story and you can tell me whether true or not that one of the keys to your early lift off was.

that you wanted to persuade creators who weretrying out tik tok that this was a platform where you know they would get response early on when you're trying to grow something the numbers aren't there for response so you had the brilliant idea of.goosing those numbers a bit basically finding ways to give people you knowa bigger sense of like more likes more engagement than was.

actually the case by using AI agent somehow in the process is that a brilliant idea or is that or is you , that just a myth i would i would i describe it in a different way so there are other platforms that exist you know before tik tok boss to 日常 go 心願 that tap by Reno you would i would i would i 所長所長所長所長所長 that you 咨詢 it in a different way so there are two 心願 that 落實落實落實落實落實落實落實落實落實落實落實落實落實落實落實落實落實落實落實落實落實落實落實手刹手刹 or 早點早點早點早點早點早點來來想,have that tap 心願來想,i would i would i would i would i would describe it in a big way so there are other 生存 心願 that Benz you know before tik tok tap 拉 一舉 青年青年青年青年青年路路路路路,托腮傳傳傳傳傳,點 tap by 一舉一舉單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單單

