



we have seen this phrase pickup artist,"PUA"這個詞,現在随處可見對吧?but do you know,但你知道如何分辨。how to tell if someone is trying togaslighting you?一個人是否在PUA你嗎?

·so these men usually attempt tocoax women,pua大師會哄着你達成某種目的,into having sex with themthrough a mixture of flattery,會用心理操縱來扭曲事實,and psychological manipulation,比如瓦斯燈效應。

·such as gaslighting,瓦斯燈效應是一種心理操縱手段,gaslighting is a form of瓦斯燈效應是一種心理操縱手段,in which the 074 attempts toplant the seed of self doubt,他們會給你埋下自我懷疑的種子,你的認知會變得混亂。

·And confusion in their victim's mind,你的認知會變得混亂。there are 4 types of gas lightings,1.outright lying,瓦斯燈效應一共分四種。

→1.毫不掩飾地撒謊,一出縫隙,一出縫隙,二出縫隙,一出縫隙,scapegoating and coercion。2.對于現實的操控,三出縫隙,三出縫隙,四出縫隙,逼迫你。


→4.逼迫你,isolating you from other people,他們善于把你和周圍的人隔開,讓你覺得自己配不上他。

·he would find tons ofways to sow discord,他會想方設法挑撥你和家人朋友的關系,between you and yourfamily and friends。here are signs of you are beingmanipulated by someone,以下是你已經被pua了的迹象。

·he often uses shock tactics to get your attention。1.喜歡用驚吓政策吸引你的注意。

·like jumpingin front of you on the street,比如在街上突然跳你面前,he 湖塘 you,他喜歡貶低你,to make sure you believe that hedeserves better,好讓你覺得自己配不上他。

·if this person,如果這個人,always comments on your weight,and your appearance,總是對你的身材外貌評頭論足,like you'll be cuter if you dropped 10lb,比如"你要是再輕十斤肯定漂亮",or you are wearing too much make up 或者 你妝太濃了。girl don't try to seek his approval you deserve better 你值得更好的人。

·2 hits on other women in front of you still he's trying to make you feel in secure by insulting you feel 他這樣做還是為了讓你沒有安全感。

·3.he challenges everything you say and dismisses your opinion.


now do you guys know anyone who's been gaslighted or if you have been through a toxic relationship feel free to leave me comments and talk about it.你身邊有人被pua的例子嗎?

