
Ant Design Pro (三) Golang+Gin後端簡單實作1. Golang Gin後端代碼2. ant design pro 修改代理, 并注釋掉mock的調用接口

1. Golang Gin後端代碼

package main

import (
type Response struct {
	Success bool `json:"success"`
	Data    interface{} `json:"data"`

type DataRequest struct {
	Text string `json:"text,omitempty" form:"text"`

type DataResponse struct {
	Text string `json:"text,omitempty"`

func (d DataRequest) String() string {
	bs, _ := json.Marshal(&d)
	return string(bs)

func Failed(c *gin.Context, errString string) {
	c.JSON(http.StatusOK, &Response{
		Success: false,
		Data: errString,

func Success(c *gin.Context, Data interface{}) {
	c.JSON(http.StatusOK, &Response{
		Success: true,
		Data: Data,

func GetData(c *gin.Context) {
	var req DataRequest
	var err = c.BindQuery(&req)
	if nil != err {
		fmt.Println("Get Data Error: ", err)
		Failed(c, err.Error())
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Get Data Request: ", req)
		Success(c, &DataResponse{
			Text: fmt.Sprintf("Get Data Request Is: %s, Reback Is: %s", req.Text, time.Now().String()),

func PostData(c *gin.Context) {
	//data, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body)
	//fmt.Printf("ctx.Request.body: %v\n", string(data))
	var req DataRequest
	var err = c.BindJSON(&req)
	if nil != err {
		fmt.Println("Post Data Error: ", err)
		Failed(c, err.Error())
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Post Data Request: ", req)
		Success(c, &DataResponse{
				Text: fmt.Sprintf("Post Data Request Is: %s, Reback Is: %s", req.Text, time.Now().String()),

func InitRouter(host string) error {
	r := gin.Default()
	r.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
		Failed(c, "unknown error")

	r.GET("/api/getData", GetData) // 擷取庫區清單
	r.POST("/api/postData", PostData) // 擷取庫區清單

	return r.Run(host) // listen and serve on

func main() {

2. ant design pro 修改代理, 并注釋掉mock的調用接口

1) 将config/proxy.ts 修改如下, target 中IP為自己所在電腦IP

 * 在生産環境 代理是無法生效的,是以這裡沒有生産環境的配置
 * -------------------------------
 * The agent cannot take effect in the production environment
 * so there is no configuration of the production environment
 * For details, please see
 * https://pro.ant.design/docs/deploy
export default {
  dev: {
    '/api/': {
      target: '',
      changeOrigin: true,
      pathRewrite: { '^': '' },
  test: {
    '/api/': {
      target: '',
      changeOrigin: true,
      pathRewrite: { '^': '' },
  pre: {
    '/api/': {
      target: '',
      changeOrigin: true,
      pathRewrite: { '^': '' },

2) 注釋掉mock 測試接口導出

// import {Request,Response} from "express";

// const getData = async (req:Request,res:Response)=>{
//     const result = {
//         success:true,
//         data:{
//             "text": "MOck Get Test"
//         }
//     };
//     return res.json(result);
// }

// const postData = async (req:Request,res:Response)=>{
//     console.log(req)
//     const result = {
//         success:true,
//         data:{
//             "text": "MOck Post Test"
//         }
//     };
//     return res.json(result);
// }

// export default {
//     'GET /api/getData':getData,
//     'POST /api/postData':postData,
// }



Ant Design Pro (三) Golang+Gin後端簡單實作1. Golang Gin後端代碼2. ant design pro 修改代理, 并注釋掉mock的調用接口
Ant Design Pro (三) Golang+Gin後端簡單實作1. Golang Gin後端代碼2. ant design pro 修改代理, 并注釋掉mock的調用接口


Ant design pro (一) 環境搭建篇

Ant Design Pro (二) 添加頁面+使用mock(無model)
