





​​💥1 概述​​

​​📚2 運作結果​​

​​🎉3 參考文獻​​

​​👨‍💻4 Matlab代碼實作​​

💥1 概述



📚2 運作結果

使用基于遺傳算法的圖像分割 進化聚類

目标函數:在聚類距離内 使用距離測量


它還由基于矩陣的輸入樣本示例組成 15 和 2 特征



 close all;%% Problem Definition
X = [1 1.5;2 2.5;3 3.5;1 1.5;2 2.5;3 3.5;1 1.5;2 2.5;3 3.5;1 1.5;2 2.5;3 3.5;1 1.5;2 2.5;3 3.5]; % [15x2]
 k = 3; % no. of clustersCostFunction=@(m) ClusteringCost(m, X);     % Cost Function m = [3x2] cluster centers
VarSize=[k size(X,2)];  % Decision Variables Matrix Size = [3 2]
nVar=prod(VarSize);     % Number of Decision Variables = 6
VarMin= repmat(min(X),1,k);      % Lower Bound of Variables [3x1] of[1x2] = [3x2]
 VarMax= repmat(max(X),1,k);      % Upper Bound of Variables [3x1] of[1x2] = [3x2]% Setting the Genetic Algorithms
ga_opts = gaoptimset('display','iter');
% running the genetic algorithm with desired options
 [centers, err_ga] = ga(CostFunction, nVar,[],[],[],[],VarMin,VarMax,[],[],ga_opts); m=centers;
    g=reshape(m,2,3)'; % create a cluster center matrix(3(clusters) points in 2(features) dim plane)=[3x2]
     d = pdist2(X, g); % create a distance matrix of each data points in input to each centers = [15x3]    % Assign Clusters and Find Closest Distances
     [dmin, ind] = min(d, [], 2)
     % ind value gives the cluster number assigned for the input = [15x1]
     % Sum of Within-Cluster Distance
     WCD = sum(dmin); 
     z=WCD; % fitness function contain sum of each data point to their corresponding center value set (aim to get it minimum)    
     % z = [1(inputs combinations) x 1]      

🎉3 參考文獻

👨‍💻4 Matlab代碼實作
