


A. 我的微信運動健走步數記錄(自2017. 6. 11.起):至今日(2023.4.27. 53:21), 今日健走步數:33316步 ,(22:39公裡),消耗1054千卡熱量;互相點贊:26(微友為我健走點贊人數)/483(我為微友健走點贊人數);微友為我健走點贊累計人數:66人;累計與日均健走步(公裡)數:51186981/2147天=23842步或35030公裡/2147天=17公裡;戰勝99.99%的人,萬裡長城的1.65倍,累計消耗1101836卡熱量(相當于3673個雞腿);至今日獲得華為運動勳章76枚;實時萬步達成率:97(人)/483(人)=21%;微信朋友圈全員參加健走百分比:483(人)/1757(人)=28%;微信朋友圈全員萬步達成率:97(人)/1757(人)=6%;占領196位微友的微信運動封面;在481位有微信運動健走步數記錄者中排第一位;日行超兩萬步者:5人/1756人=3‰;2018.6.21.單日步行步數:73137(以上資料華為運動健康和微信運動系統提供)B. 經典段落分享(自2023.3.12.起)(46)The next day we went to Plymouth by water. This was my first trip on the ocean and my first voyage in a steamboat. How full of life and motion it was! But the rumble of the machinery made me think it was thundering, and I began to cry, because I feared if it rained we should not be able to have our picnic out of doors. I was more interested, I think, in the great rock on which the Pilgrims landed than in anything else in Plymouth. I could touch it, and perhaps that made the coming of the Pilgrims and their toils and great deeds seem more real to me. I have often held in my hand a little model of the Plymouth Rock which a kind gentleman gave me at Pilgrim Hall, and I have fingered its curves, the split in the centre and the embossed figures "1620," and turned over in my mind all that I knew about the wonderful story of the Pilgrims.

