
12-2ask someone out 2


12-2ask someone out 2

You’ve met a great guy or girl, and you want to ask them on a date. But where do you take them? The first date is super important, so you need to pick the right activity and location. It should be casual, but not too casual! You don’t want your date to think you don’t care. Most importantly, a first date should allow the two people to chat and get to know each other, which is why so many first dates are usually having coffee together, or drinks at a bar.

In today’s lesson, our couple has finished at the exhibition, and is now going to the restaurant. If you do decide to have dinner together, be careful which kind of restaurant you choose. If you go to an incredibly fancy or expensive restaurant for the first time, then your date might come to expect that every time. On the other hand, if you choose McDonald’s, then they might see you as cheap. So choose a casual restaurant with prices in the middle range.

If you decide to take your date to the museum, make sure you do your homework. It can be a great opportunity to show him or her that you are really smart and cultured. If you’re not prepared, however, it could be really boring and you could look stupid.

One place you really shouldn’t go for a first date is the movie theater. Watching a movie doesn’t allow you to chat with your date, so you should save it for the 3rd or 4th time you go out together.



