

 1.In BeanShell you may access JavaBean properties as if they were fields:


button = new java.awt.Button();

button.label = "my button"; // Equivalent to等價于: b.setLabel("my button");

print( button.label ); // Equivalent to 等價于 print( b.getLabel() ); 等價于

JavaBean properties are simply pairs of "setter" and "getter" methods

that adhere to a naming convention.

In the above example BeanShell located a "setter" method with the name "setLabel()"

and used it to assign the string value.

It then found the method named getLabel() to retrieve the value.



Boolean properties may optionally use the syntax "is" for their "getter". e.g.


Float f = new Float(42f);

print( f.infinite ); // Equivalent to 等價于 print( f.isInfinite() ); // false

If there is any ambiguity with an actual Java field name of the object

(e.g. label in the above example) then the

actual field name takes precedence.

If you wish to avoid any ambiguity BeanShell provides an additional,

uniform syntax for accessing both Java Bean properties and Hashtable or Map entries.

You may use the "{}" curly brace construct

with a String identifier as a qualifier on any variable of the appropriate type:





b = new java.awt.Button();

b{"label"} = "my button"; // Equivalent to 等價于: b.setLabel("my button");

h = new Hashtable();

h{"foo"} = "bar"; // Equivalent to等價于: h.put("foo", "bar");

Where the java.util.Collections API is available, Maps are also supported.


2.Enhanced 'for' Loop 支援循環

BeanShell supports the Java 1.5 style enhanced for.loop for iterating over collections and array types.

(Note that you do not have to be running Java 1.5 to use this feature).



List foo = getSomeList();

for ( untypedElement : foo )

print( untypedElement );

for ( Object typedElement: foo )

print( typedElement );

int [] array = new int [] { 1, 2, 3 };

for( i : array )


for( char c : "a string" )

print( c );

Supported iterable types include all the obvious things. 支援包含下面這些集合類型

· JDK 1.1+ . (no collections): Enumeration, arrays, Vector, String, StringBuffer

Convenience Syntax 便利的文法

· JDK 1.2+ . (w/collections): Collections, Iterator

See also the BshIterator API which supports the ehanced for.loop and allows iteration over these types using

the dynamically loaded BeanShell Collection manager.

也可以看到BshIterator API,支援for.loop并且通過使用動态加載Beanshell集合管理器來允許周遊更多的類型。

3.Switch Statements 選擇語句

In BeanShell, the switch statement may be used not only with numeric types but with objects.

For example,

you may switch on Dates and Strings which are compared for equality with their equals() methods:



dateobj = new Date();

switch( dateobj )


case newYears:


case christmas:




4.Auto Boxing and Unboxing 自動包裝和拆包

"Boxing" and "Unboxing" are the terms used to describe automatically wrapping a primitive type in a wrapper

class and unwrapping it as necessary.

Boxing is a feature of Java (SDK1.5) and has been supported in

BeanShell for many years.

BeanShell supports boxing and unboxing of primitive types. For example:




int i=5;

Integer iw = new Integer(5);

print( i * iw ); // 25

Vector v = new Vector();


int x = v.getFirstElement();

Importing Classes and Packages 導入類和包

In BeanShell as in Java, you can either refer to classes by their fully qualified names,

or you can import one or more classes from a Java package.



// Standard Java 标準Java

import javax.xml.parsers.*;

import mypackage.MyClass;

In BeanShell import statements may appear anywhere, even inside a method,

not just at the top of a file.

In the event of a conflict, later imports take precedence over earlier ones.

A somewhat experimental feature is the "super import".

With it you may automatically import the entire classpath, like so:



一些新的特性是"super import"。通過它你可以自動的導入完整的類路徑,像下面一樣:

5.Switch Statements 選擇申明

import *; import *;

The first time you do this BeanShell will map out your entire classpath;

so this is primarily intended for interactive use.

Note that importing every class in your classpath can be time consuming.

It can also result in a lot of ambiguities.

Currently BeanShell will report an error when resolving an ambiguous import from

mapping the entire classpath.

You may disambiguate it by importing the class you intend.





Tip: 提示:

The BeanShell which() command will use the classpath mapping capability to tell you

where exactly in your classpath a specified class is located:


bsh % which( java.lang.String );

Jar: file:/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0/jre/lib/rt.jar

See "Class Path Management" for information about modifying the BeanShell classpath at run.

time with the addClassPath() or setClassPath() commands.

Also see "BeanShell Commands" for information about importing new BeanShell commands from the


通過"Class Path Management"獲得更多資訊,在運作時修改Beanshell類路徑,


也可以通過"Beanshell Commands"獲得更多資訊,從類路徑中導入新的Beanshell指令。

6.Default Imports 預設導入

By default, common Java core and extension packages are imported for you.

They are, in the order in which they are imported:


· javax.swing.event

· javax.swing

· java.awt.event

· java.awt

· java.net

· java.util

· java.io

· java.lang

Two BeanShell package classes are also imported by default:


· bsh.EvalError

· bsh.Interpreter

Finally, we should mention that BeanShell commands may be imported from the classpath.

The default commands are imported in the following way:



We will discuss how to import your own commands in a later section.


Tip: 提示:

The classes java.awt.List and java.util.List are both imported by default.

Because java.util.List is imported later, as part of the java.util package,

it takes precedence. To access java.awt.List simply import it in,

or the java.awt package again your scrīpt. Later imports take precedence.

