

 Introduction 介紹

This document is about BeanShell. BeanShell is a small, free, embeddable Java source interpreter with object

scrīpting language features, written in Java. BeanShell executes standard Java statements and expressions but

also extends Java into the scrīpting domain with common scrīpting language conventions and syntax.

BeanShell is a natural scrīpting language for Java.




scrīpting vs. Application Languages 腳本對比應用程式

Traditionally, the primary difference between a scrīpting language and a compiled language has been in its

type system: the way in which you define and use data elements. You might be thinking that there is a more

obvious difference here . that of "interpreted" code vs. compiled code. But the compiler in and of itself does

not fundamentally change the way you work with a language. Nor does interpreting a language necessarily

make it more useful for what we think of as "scrīpting". It is the type system of a language that makes it

possible for a compiler to analyze the structure of an application for correctness. Without types, compilation is

reduced to just a grammar check and an optimization for speed. From the developer's perspective, it is also the

type system that characterizes the way in which we interact with the code.





Types are good. Without strongly type languages it would be very hard to write large scale systems and make

any assertions about their correctness before they are run. But working with types imposes a burden on the

developer. Types are labels and labeling things can be tedious. It can be especially tedious during certain

kinds of development or special applications where it is flexibility and not program structure that is

paramount. There are times where simplicity and ease of use is a more important criterion.




This is not just rationalization to cover some underlying laziness. Productivity affects what people do and

more importantly do *not* do in the real world, much more than you might think. There is a lot of important

software that exists in the world today only because the cost/benefit ratio in some developer's mind reached a

certain threshold.



Unit testing . one of the foundations of writing good code . is a prime example. Unit tests for well written

code are, in general, vitally important as a collective but almost insignificant individually. It's a "tragedy of

the commons" that leads individual developers to repeatedly weigh the importance of writing another unit test

with working on "real code". Give developers have a tool that makes it easy to perform a test with a line or

two of code they will probably use it. If, moreover, it is also a tool that they enjoy using during their

development process . that saves the time, they will be even more inclined to use it.





Customizability through scrīpting also opens the door to applications that are more powerful than the sum of

their parts. When users can extend, enhance, and add to their applications they use them in new and

unexpected ways. scrīpting is powerful.



Tearing Down the Barriers  銷毀屏障。

Traditionally scrīpting languages have traded in the power of types for simplicity. Most scrīpting languages

distill the type system to just one or a handful of types such as strings, numbers, or simple lists. This is

sufficient for many kinds of scrīpting.

Many scrīpting languages operate in a loose, unstructured land . a place dominated by text and

course.grained tools. As such these scrīpting languages have evolved sophisticated mechanisms for working 。




Introduction  介紹

with these simple types (regular expressions, pipes, etc.). As a result there has developed a casm between the

scrīpting languages and the application languages created by the collapse of the type system in.between. The

scrīpting languages have remained a separate species, isolated and speaking a different dialect from their

brothers the application languages.



BeanShell is a new kind of scrīpting language. BeanShell begins with the standard Java language and bridges

it into the scrīpting domain in a natural way, but allowing the developer to relaxing types where appropriate. It

is possible to write BeanShell scrīpts that look exactly like Java method code. But it's also possible to write

scrīpts that look more like a traditional scrīpting language, while still maintaining the framework of the Java





BeanShell emulates typed variables and parameters when they are used. This allows you to "seed" your code

with strong types where appropriate. You can "shore up" repeatedly used methods as you work on them,

migrating them closer to Java. Eventually you may find that you want to compile these methods and maintain

them in standard Java. With BeanShell this is easy. BeanShell does not impose a syntactic boundary between

your scrīpts and Java.




But the bridge to Java extends much deeper than simple code similarity. BeanShell is one of a new breed of

scrīpting languages made possible by Java's advanced reflection capabilities. Since BeanShell can run in the

same Java virtual machine as your application, you can freely work with real, live, Java objects . passing

them into and out of your scrīpts. Combined with BeanShell's ability to implement Java interfaces, you can

achieve seamless and simple integration of scrīpting into your Java applications. BeanShell does not impose a

type boundary between your scrīpts and Java.





History 曆史

What seems like an eternity ago, back in the summer of 1993, I was working at Southwestern Bell

Technology Resources and I was infatuated with the Tcl/Tk scrīpting language. On the advice of someone at

Sun I also began playing around a bit with the Oak language written by James Gosling. Little did I know that

within just a few years Oak, which would become Java, would not only spark a revolution, but that I would be

writing one of the first books on the new Java language (Exploring Java, O'Reilly & Associates) and creating

Java's first scrīpting language, BeanShell, drawing inspiration from Tcl.


在Sun公司的一些人的建議上我還是研究James Gosling寫在Oak語言。我不知道過了一些年之後将轉變成Java的語言Oak不僅


BeanShell's first public release was not until 1997, but I had been poking at it in one form or another for some

time before that. BeanShell as a language became practical when Sun added reflection to the Java language in

version 1.1. After that, and after having seen its value in helping me create examples and snippets for the

second edition of my book, I decided to try to polish it up and release it.




BeanShell has slowly, but steadily gained popularity since then. It has grown in fits and spurts as its

contributor's time has allowed. But recently BeanShell has achieved a sort of critical mass. BeanShell is

distributed with Emacs as part of the JDE and with Sun Microsystem's NetBeans / Forte for Java IDEs.

BeanShell is also bundled by BEA with their Weblogic application server. We've had reports of BeanShell

being used everywhere from the high energy physics laboratory CERN, to classrooms teaching programming

to nine year olds. BeanShell is being used in everything from large financial applications all the way down to

embedded systems floating in Buoys in the pacific ocean. I attribute this success to the power of the open

source development model and owe many thanks to everyone who has contributed.






Conclusion  結束

I believe that BeanShell is the simplest and most natural scrīpting language for Java because it is, foremost,

Java. BeanShell draws on a rich history of scrīpting languages for its scrīpting syntax and uses it to very

conservatively extend the Java language into this new domain. I hope that you have half as much fun using

BeanShell as I have had working on it and I welcome all comments and suggestions.



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