
This copy of the install macOS High Sierra application is damaged, and can't be used to install...

This copy of the install macOS High Sierra application is damaged, and can't be used to install...




  1. 打開 終端 (Utilities → Terminal)
    This copy of the install macOS High Sierra application is damaged, and can't be used to install...
  2. 輸入date 071014102018(這裡圖檔中的斷開網絡什麼的不用管,直接輸入指令即可,指令時間可以自己改,主要在某個時間段内就行,日期範圍比較大)
    This copy of the install macOS High Sierra application is damaged, and can't be used to install...
  3. date 062614102014.30  06是月,26是日,14是時,10是分,2014是年,30是秒;根據這個規則來改即可,不同的老版本的系統時間是不一樣的
