



// DomainRepository is the interface that all domain repositories should implement.
type DomainRepository interface {
	//Loads an aggregate of the given type and ID
	Load(aggregateTypeName string, aggregateID string) (AggregateRoot, error)

	//Saves the aggregate.
	Save(aggregate AggregateRoot, expectedVersion *int) error


// GetEventStoreCommonDomainRepo is an implementation of the DomainRepository
// that uses GetEventStore for persistence
type GetEventStoreCommonDomainRepo struct {
	eventStore         *goes.Client
	eventBus           EventBus
	streamNameDelegate StreamNamer
	aggregateFactory   AggregateFactory
	eventFactory       EventFactory

// Load will load all events from a stream and apply those events to an aggregate
// of the type specified.
// The aggregate type and id will be passed to the configured StreamNamer to
// get the stream name.
func (r *GetEventStoreCommonDomainRepo) Load(aggregateType, id string) (AggregateRoot, error) {

	if r.aggregateFactory == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("The common domain repository has no Aggregate Factory.")

	if r.streamNameDelegate == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("The common domain repository has no stream name delegate.")

	if r.eventFactory == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("The common domain has no Event Factory.")

	aggregate := r.aggregateFactory.GetAggregate(aggregateType, id)
	if aggregate == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("The repository has no aggregate factory registered for aggregate type: %s", aggregateType)

	streamName, err := r.streamNameDelegate.GetStreamName(aggregateType, id)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	stream := r.eventStore.NewStreamReader(streamName)
	for stream.Next() {
		switch err := stream.Err().(type) {
		case nil:
		case *url.Error, *goes.ErrTemporarilyUnavailable:
			return nil, &ErrRepositoryUnavailable{}
		case *goes.ErrNoMoreEvents:
			return aggregate, nil
		case *goes.ErrUnauthorized:
			return nil, &ErrUnauthorized{}
		case *goes.ErrNotFound:
			return nil, &ErrAggregateNotFound{AggregateType: aggregateType, AggregateID: id}
			return nil, &ErrUnexpected{Err: err}

		event := r.eventFactory.GetEvent(stream.EventResponse().Event.EventType)

		//TODO: No test for meta
		meta := make(map[string]string)
		stream.Scan(event, &meta)
		if stream.Err() != nil {
			return nil, stream.Err()
		em := NewEventMessage(id, event, Int(stream.EventResponse().Event.EventNumber))
		for k, v := range meta {
			em.SetHeader(k, v)
		aggregate.Apply(em, false)

	return aggregate, nil


// Save persists an aggregate
func (r *GetEventStoreCommonDomainRepo) Save(aggregate AggregateRoot, expectedVersion *int) error {

	if r.streamNameDelegate == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("The common domain repository has no stream name delagate.")

	resultEvents := aggregate.GetChanges()

	streamName, err := r.streamNameDelegate.GetStreamName(typeOf(aggregate), aggregate.AggregateID())
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if len(resultEvents) > 0 {

		evs := make([]*goes.Event, len(resultEvents))

		for k, v := range resultEvents {
			//TODO: There is no test for this code
			v.SetHeader("AggregateID", aggregate.AggregateID())
			evs[k] = goes.NewEvent("", v.EventType(), v.Event(), v.GetHeaders())

		streamWriter := r.eventStore.NewStreamWriter(streamName)
		err := streamWriter.Append(expectedVersion, evs...)
		switch e := err.(type) {
		case nil:
		case *goes.ErrConcurrencyViolation:
			return &ErrConcurrencyViolation{Aggregate: aggregate, ExpectedVersion: expectedVersion, StreamName: streamName}
		case *goes.ErrUnauthorized:
			return &ErrUnauthorized{}
		case *goes.ErrTemporarilyUnavailable:
			return &ErrRepositoryUnavailable{}
			return &ErrUnexpected{Err: e}


	for k, v := range resultEvents {
		if expectedVersion == nil {
		} else {
			em := NewEventMessage(v.AggregateID(), v.Event(), Int(*expectedVersion+k+1))

	return nil
GetEventStoreCommonDomainRepo定義了eventStore、eventBus、streamNameDelegate、aggregateFactory、eventFactory屬性,其Load方法先通過r.aggregateFactory.GetAggregate擷取aggregate,再通過r.streamNameDelegate.GetStreamName(aggregateType, id)擷取streamName,然後通過r.eventStore.NewStreamReader去周遊event,挨個執行aggregate.Apply(em, false)及aggregate.IncrementVersion();其Save方法先通過aggregate.GetChanges()擷取resultEvents,再周遊resultEvents構造goes.Event,之後通過streamWriter.Append寫入,然後執行aggregate.ClearChanges(),最後執行r.eventBus.PublishEvent




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