
【今日CS 視覺論文速覽】 24 Jan 2019


Thu, 24 Jan 2019

Totally 29 papers

【今日CS 視覺論文速覽】 24 Jan 2019


  • ExtremeNet,通過檢測物體的四個位置極值點((top-most, leftmost,bottom-most, right-most)和中心點的位置來實作目标檢測,将目标檢測問題轉換為了一個普通的關鍵點估計問題。基于關鍵點估計,通過熱力圖峰值來尋找關鍵點并根據四個極值估計中心位置(門檻值法)。

    實作了bounding box AP of 43.2% on COCO,34.6% Mask AP(from 德克薩斯奧斯丁大學)

    【今日CS 視覺論文速覽】 24 Jan 2019
    【今日CS 視覺論文速覽】 24 Jan 2019
    【今日CS 視覺論文速覽】 24 Jan 2019
    【今日CS 視覺論文速覽】 24 Jan 2019
    【今日CS 視覺論文速覽】 24 Jan 2019
    【今日CS 視覺論文速覽】 24 Jan 2019
  • DeepFahion2, 用于人物服飾檢測、位姿估計、分割和重識别的基準資料集。包含了801k标注資料集和873k商家-客戶照片對。(from 香港中文 商湯)
    【今日CS 視覺論文速覽】 24 Jan 2019
    【今日CS 視覺論文速覽】 24 Jan 2019
    【今日CS 視覺論文速覽】 24 Jan 2019
    【今日CS 視覺論文速覽】 24 Jan 2019
  • 基于壓縮感覺和全局方差最小化去除顯微鏡中的人為痕迹,擷取更清晰圖像。(from 密歇根大學)


    【今日CS 視覺論文速覽】 24 Jan 2019
    【今日CS 視覺論文速覽】 24 Jan 2019
  • ORSIm Detector,結合高光譜資訊的光學遙感目标檢測,內建了多通道特征抽取、學習,快速圖像金字塔比對和推舉政策,結合了頻域和空間通道特征建構的旋轉不變特征來進行學習。(from 北理工)
    【今日CS 視覺論文速覽】 24 Jan 2019
    【今日CS 視覺論文速覽】 24 Jan 2019

    資料集:TAS aerial car detection dataset, NWPU VHR-10 dataset2,NWPU VHR-airplane dataset ?404

    TAS >http://ai.stanford.edu/~gaheitz/Research/TAS/

  • 深度學習用于地理岩相分析(Facies Classification)的資料集, (from佐治亞理工)
    【今日CS 視覺論文速覽】 24 Jan 2019

Daily Computer Vision Papers

[1] Title: Bottom-up Object Detection by Grouping Extreme and Center Points

Authors:Xingyi Zhou, Jiacheng Zhuo, Philipp Krähenbühl

[2] Title: Removing Stripes, Scratches, and Curtaining with Non-Recoverable Compressed Sensing

Authors:Jonathan Schwartz, Yi Jiang, Yongjie Wang, Anthony Aiello, Pallab Bhattacharya, Hui Yuan, Zetian Mi, Nabil Bassim, Robert Hovden

[3] Title: DeepFashion2: A Versatile Benchmark for Detection, Pose Estimation, Segmentation and Re-Identification of Clothing Images

Authors:Yuying Ge, Ruimao Zhang, Lingyun Wu, Xiaogang Wang, Xiaoou Tang, Ping Luo

[4] Title: U2-Net: A Bayesian U-Net model with epistemic uncertainty feedback for photoreceptor layer segmentation in pathological OCT scans

Authors:José Ignacio Orlando, Philipp Seeböck, Hrvoje Bogunović, Sophie Klimscha, Christoph Grechenig, Sebastian Waldstein, Bianca S. Gerendas, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth

[5] Title: ORSIm Detector: A Novel Object Detection Framework in Optical Remote Sensing Imagery Using Spatial-Frequency Channel Features

Authors:Xin Wu, Danfeng Hong, Jiaojiao Tian, Jocelyn Chanussot, Wei Li, Ran Tao

[6] Title: Evolving the pulmonary nodules diagnosis from classical approaches to deep learning aided decision support: three decades development course and future prospect

Authors:Bo Liu, Wenhao Chi, Xinran Li, Peng Li, Wenhua Liang, Haiping Liu, Wei Wang, Jianxing He

[7] Title: Computer Vision and Metrics Learning for Hypothesis Testing: An Application of Q-Q Plot for Normality Test

Authors:Ke-Wei Huang, Mengke Qiao, Xuanqi Liu, Mingxi Dai, Siyuan Liu

[8] Title: AADS: Augmented Autonomous Driving Simulation using Data-driven Algorithms

Authors:Wei Li, Chengwei Pan, Rong Zhang, Jiaping Ren, Yuexin Ma, Jin Fang, Feilong Yan, Qichuan Geng, Xinyu Huang, Huajun Gong, Weiwei Xu, Guoping Wang, Dinesh Manocha, Ruigang Yang

[9] Title: Toward Joint Image Generation and Compression using Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors:Byeongkeun Kang, Subarna Tripathi, Truong Q. Nguyen

[10] Title: Random Forest with Learned Representations for Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Byeongkeun Kang, Truong Q. Nguyen

[11] Title: Towards Compact ConvNets via Structure-Sparsity Regularized Filter Pruning

Authors:Shaohui Lin, Rongrong Ji, Yuchao Li, Cheng Deng, Xuelong Li

[12] Title: A Boost in Revealing Subtle Facial Expressions: A Consolidated Eulerian Framework

Authors:Wei Peng, Xiaopeng Hong, Yingyue Xu, Guoying Zhao

[13] Title: Robust Learning at Noisy Labeled Medical Images:Applied to Skin Lesion Classification

Authors:Cheng Xue, Qi Dou, Xueying Shi, Hao Chen, Pheng Ann Heng

[14] Title: ODN: Opening the Deep Network for Open-set Action Recognition

Authors:Yu Shu, Yemin Shi, Yaowei Wang, Yixiong Zou, Qingsheng Yuan, Yonghong Tian

[15] Title: Deep learning Inversion of Seismic Data

Authors:Shucai Li, Bin Liu, Yuxiao Ren, Yangkang Chen, Senlin Yang, Yunhai Wang, Peng Jiang

[16] Title: Joint group and residual sparse coding for image compressive sensing

Authors:Lizhao Li, Song Xiao

[17] Title: Max-margin Class Imbalanced Learning with Gaussian Affinity

Authors:Munawar Hayat, Salman Khan, Waqas Zamir, Jianbing Shen, Ling Shao

[18] Title: Exploring Uncertainty in Conditional Multi-Modal Retrieval Systems

Authors:Ahmed Taha, Yi-Ting Chen, Xitong Yang, Teruhisa Misu, Larry Davis

[19] Title: Simultaneous Subspace Clustering and Cluster Number Estimating based on Triplet Relationship

Authors:Jie Liang, Jufeng Yang, Ming-Ming Cheng, Paul L. Rosin, Liang Wang

[20] Title: Class Activation Map Generation by Representative Class Selection and Multi-Layer Feature Fusion

Authors:Fanman Meng, Kaixu Huang, Hongliang Li, Qingbo Wu

[21] Title: A Top-down Approach to Articulated Human Pose Estimation and Tracking

Authors:Guanghan Ning, Ping Liu, Xiaochuan Fan, Chi Zhang

[22] Title: Modeling Human Motion with Quaternion-based Neural Networks

Authors:Dario Pavllo, Christoph Feichtenhofer, Michael Auli, David Grangier

[23] Title: Striking the Right Balance with Uncertainty

Authors:Salman Khan, Munawar Hayat, Waqas Zamir, Jianbing Shen, Ling Shao

[24] Title: “Is this an example image?” – Predicting the Relative Abstractness Level of Image and Text

Authors:Christian Otto, Sebastian Holzki, Ralph Ewerth

[25] Title: Rethinking Lossy Compression: The Rate-Distortion-Perception Tradeoff

Authors:Yochai Blau, Tomer Michaeli

[26] Title: Programmable Neural Network Trojan for Pre-Trained Feature Extractor

Authors:Yu Ji, Zixin Liu, Xing Hu, Peiqi Wang, Youhui Zhang

[27] Title: A Machine Learning Benchmark for Facies Classification

Authors:Yazeed Alaudah, Patrycja Michalowicz, Motaz Alfarraj, Ghassan AlRegib

[28] Title: Understanding Geometry of Encoder-Decoder CNNs

Authors:Jong Chul Ye, Woon Kyoung Sung

[29] Title: Aggregated Pairwise Classification of Statistical Shapes

Authors:Min Ho Cho, Sebastian Kurtek, Steven N. MacEachern

Papers from arxiv.org


【今日CS 視覺論文速覽】 24 Jan 2019

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