


The C Programming Language  K&R                                    C程式設計語言

C:A Reference Manual Fifth Edition                                       C語言參考手冊


The Java Language Specification James Gosling, Bill Joy                Java語言規範

Concurrent programming in java design principles and pattern   DougLea

Java Concurrency in Practice   Brian Goetz, Doug Lea                 Java并發程式設計實戰

Core Java, Volume I                                                        Java核心技術 卷1

Core Java, Volume II                                                      Java核心技術 卷2


Essential C++    Stanley B, Lippman

C++ Primer     Stanley B, Lippman

Inside the C++ Object Model   Stanley B, Lippman                               深度探索C++對象模型

The C++ Programming Language Straustrup                                               C++程式設計語言


Computer.Networks   Andrew.S..Tanenbaum,.David.J..Wetherall                     計算機網絡

Computer Networks A Systems Approach  Larry L. Peterson                         計算機網絡系統方法

TCP/IP Illustracted Volume 1:The Protocols   W. Richard Stevens                        TCP/IP詳解卷1

TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2: The Implementation     W.Richard Stevens           TCP/IP詳解卷2

TCP/IP Illustrated Volume 3:TCP for Transactions,HTTP,NNTP,and the UNIXDomain Protocols   W. Richard Stevens


Introduction to Algorithms                         ThomasH. Cormen           算法導論

Algorithms, Fourth Edition                      Sedgewick               算法

An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms       Sedgewick                算法分析導論

Art of Computer Programming                         Knuth                       計算機程式設計藝術

Analytic Combinatorics                               Sedgewick                 分析組合論


The Practice of Programming   Brian W. Kernigham      程式設計實踐

A Discipline of Programming     Dijkstra


The Design Of The Unix Operating System  Maurice J. Bach

Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment     W. RichardStevens                    Unix環境進階程式設計

UNIX Network Programming,Volume 1:The Sockets NetworkingAPI     W. Richard Stevens  Unix網絡程式設計卷1

UNIX Network Programming, Volume 2: Interprocess Communications  W. Richard Stevens     Unix網絡程式設計卷2

Unix Power Tools                                                                          Unix超級工具

The Unix Programming Environment     Brian W.Kernighan                             Unix程式設計環境

The Art of UNIX Programming    Eric S. Raymond                                   Unix程式設計藝術

Linux.Kernel.Development       Robert Love                                             Linux核心設計與實作

Linux System Programming    Robert Love                                          Linux系統程式設計

Understanding the Linux Kernel     Deniel P. Bovet                              深入了解Linux核心

Linux Device Drivers    Jonathan Corbet                                         Linux裝置驅動

The Design and Implementation ofthe FreeBSD Operating System (2nd Edition)


Object Oriented Analysis And Design With Applications   GradyBooch              面向對象分析與設計

Object-Oriented Modeling and Design with UML   Michael Blaha,James Rumbaugh    UML面向對象模組化與設計

The Unified Modeling Language User Guide    Grady Booch                     UML使用者指南


Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective  Randal E. Bryant深入了解計算機系統

Computer Organization and Design, Fourth Edition: The Hardware/SoftwareInterface     David A. Patterson   John L.Hennessy            計算機組成與設計:硬體/軟體接口

Computer Architecture:A Quantitative Approach,FifthEdition    John L. Hennessy    David A.Patterson         計算機體系結構量化研究方法

Computer Organizationand and Embedded Systems  Carl Hamacher,Zvonko Vranesic    計算機組成與嵌入式系統

See MIPS Run, Second Edition    Dominic Sweetman                              MIPS體系結構透視


Distributed Systems:Concepts andDesign,Fifth Edition    JeanDollimore        分布式系統概念與設計

Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms   Andrew S.Tanenbaum             分布式系統原理與範型


Fluent Python

Effective Python

Python Cookbook    David Beazley                                         Python學習手冊

Core Python Programming   Wesley J. Chun                                   Python核心程式設計


The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on SoftwareEngineering       Brooks           人月神話

Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools     JeffreyD. Ullman          編譯原理

Transaction Processing:Concepts and Techniques     Jim Gray                  事務處理

Professional Assembly Language                       Richard Blum                  彙編語言程式設計