
“GitHub: Your account has been flagged.”的解決方法登入 GitHub 後頁面上方顯示的紅色問題解決方法

“GitHub: Your account has been flagged.”的解決方法

  • 登入 GitHub 後頁面上方顯示的紅色問題
  • 解決方法
    • Subject
    • How can we help?

登入 GitHub 後頁面上方顯示的紅色問題

Your account has been flagged.

Because of that, your profile is hidden from the public. If you believe this is a mistake, contact support to have your account status reviewed.


點選問題中的 contact support 連結,向 GitHub 官方發送郵件請求解除誤标記。


Please help me review my account status(flagged due to some mistake).

How can we help?

Dear sir or madam:

I am writing to seek your help. My GitHub account has been flagged and my profile is hidden from public. It brings me a whole lot of trouble because my friends on GitHub cannot see my open source project in my GitHub warehouse. I doubt whether this problem has something to do with my recent network fluctuation. I would appreciate your help if you unlock the hidden profile as soon as possible. Thank you so much!

