
【原創】IBM MQ觸發條件解讀 IBM MQ Triggering Conditions Interpretation

IBM MQ的觸發機制可實作當消息到達隊列時(或滿足一定隊列深度時)觸發啟動本機的MQ通道、應用程式、遠端機器上的應用程式等對象,以達到更靈活的程式部署模式以及異步消息處理的目的。在實際項目中,作者經常被客戶問到諸如在什麼條件下MQ才會生成觸發消息等問題,然後由于MQ觸發類型較多(首條消息觸發、每條觸發、隊列深度觸發),而MQ本身的産品文檔所羅列的條件相當的繁雜和不易排查,是以作者對常用的觸發條件 用思維導圖的形式、并結合邏輯與/或的關系進行了總結(如下圖所示)。至于更複雜、更進階的觸發條件仍建議讀者參考産品文檔中的說明 ( http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSFKSJ_8.0.0/com.ibm.mq.dev.doc/q026930_.htm)。

The triggering feature of IBM MQ can help you to achieve trigger starting local MQ channels, local applications or remote applications when messages arrive queue (or queue reaching certain depth). In this way you can deploy your applications flexibly and consume messages asynchronously. In actual projects, I’ve been frequently asked by customers about the conditions of generating trigger messages by MQ. However, since there are so many types of MQ triggering, and the conditions listed in MQ product documentation are quite complex and not easy for trouble shooting, so I have leveraged the mind map and the AND/OR logic to summarize common MQ trigger conditions as below. As for more complex/advanced trigger conditions, I still suggest you to refer to the MQ documentation about trigger conditions ( http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSFKSJ_8.0.0/com.ibm.mq.dev.doc/q026930_.htm).

【原創】IBM MQ觸發條件解讀 IBM MQ Triggering Conditions Interpretation
【原創】IBM MQ觸發條件解讀 IBM MQ Triggering Conditions Interpretation
【原創】IBM MQ觸發條件解讀 IBM MQ Triggering Conditions Interpretation
