

四 技能和經驗




<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> </script>   談及你的工作技能以及你如何把它們運用于這份工作上。避免陳詞濫調或過分籠統,應提供具體的例子,拿你目前在任的工作或以前的工作與正在面試的這份工作作比較。

  Q:What are your key skills?

  A:After working six years as a senior systems analyst,I've developed a number of key skills,including business modeling,process reengineering,software package evaluation,and excellent programming skills in UNIX and Cenvironments.I was very pleased to discover that these are the skills you're seeking.Do you want to hear about specific examples of my work?




  Q:What are your strengths?

  A:My strengths are interpersonal skills,and I can usually win people over to my point of view.Also,I have good judgment about people and an intuitive sense of their talents and their ability to contribute to a given problem.These skills seem to me directly related to the job.I notice that you require three years work experience for this job.Although my resume shows that Ive only two years experience,it doesn't show that I took two evening college courses related to my field and have been active in one of the professional societies. I also try to gain knowledge by reading the industry's trade journals. I'm certain that my combined knowledge and skill level is the equivalent of that of other people who actually do have three years work experience.I'm also currently enrolled in a time management course;I can already see the effects of this course at work on my present job.




  Q:How is your experience relevant to this job?

  A:In my current job I've recently completed three reengineering projects.I gathered all the necessary market data,developed a benchmarking program,and put together a team to do the evaluation and analysis.As a result  I'm ready to tackle the major reengineering project that youve listed as the priorty of this job during the first year.In my past job I was the liaison between the project engineering group and the instrumentation group in the testing of a new turbo engine.This experience will also help me tackle this job,which involves a close and careful working relationship between your technical group and your field testing group.




  Q:What skills do you think are most critical to this job?

  A:The ability to evaluate all of the regulatory and competitive requirements for your new product are critical.I've had considerable experience in this area as a strategicmarketing and regulatorypolicy analyst in my most recent job,and also in my first job.




  Q:What skills would you like to develop in this job?

  A:I'd like to develop my negotiating skills.I've had considerable experience interpreting and implementing large contracts,but Ive been limited in negotiating the actual conditions,costs,and standards for a major contract.I believe this job will offer me the opportunity to be a member of a negotiating team and thereby to begin acquiring the skills necessary to lead the team.


  答:如果我還幹這份工作,我甯願獲得更多有關勞資談判的經驗,特别是我想幫助談判勞動合同,解決4級程度冤情,準備提請仲裁。我在人力資源所有其他方面的背景資料都比較牢固,我相信勞動關系經驗能使我的技能更豐富完善,以使我将來能有機會上升到部門上司或副經理的位 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> </script> 置。


  Q:If you had to stay in your current job,what would you spend more time on?Why?

   A:If stay in my current job,Id like to gain more experience in labor negotiating.In particular,I'd like to help negotiate labor contracts, resolve grievances at the step4 level,and prepare grievances for arbitration.My background in all other areas of human resources is strong,and I believe labor relations experience will round out my skills so that I can have the opportunity to move up as a department head or a vice president in the future. 
