





Married at the age of 27 with two children? It doesn't stop me from loving life. Friends always say, "You haven't changed much since you became a mother."! In fact, I am the only one who knows the earth-shaking changes in the early stage of meeting the new role, scrambling to learn the skills of taking care of children! After seeing the starlight at one, two, three, four o'clock in the morning, I realized that it is not easy to be a new mother! Always be cured by the baby's lovely and innocent smile when you are tired! I often tell my friends that taking care of a baby is definitely not an easy thing! But I can't help but share with them the lovely moments depicting the cubs! Do not want to magnify the trivial hardship of taking care of children, nor do you want to miss those moments of infinite happiness and healing! After a year as a mother, I learned to take a break from my busy schedule and escape from the triviality of taking care of my baby for a short time. A delicious meal and a simple "me" moment when I go shopping can make me relax and free! Like to get some fresh feeling in wearing, so find a hobby, you can really find a beam of light in the tired life!

