
防秃要趁早 這3種方法可預防早期雄激素性脫發



防秃要趁早 這3種方法可預防早期雄激素性脫發


Dr. Susan Massick, a clinical associate professor of dermatology at the Ohio State University, said she frequently saw patients for hair loss and young men were especially concerned about prevention. The most important thing to keep as much hair as possible, she said, is to catch hair loss early.俄亥俄州立大學皮膚病學臨床副教授蘇珊·馬西克博士稱,她發現脫發患者,尤其是年輕男性特别注重預防脫發。她表示,盡可能多地留住頭發的關鍵是早發現早預防。

Massick told Insider a balanced diet and topical minoxidil were two methods she'd recommend to patients to help treat hair loss and male-pattern baldness.馬西克告訴内幕網,她建議通過平衡飲食和局部使用米諾地爾兩種方法治療脫發和男性秃頭。


Massick said that while hair loss could come from stress and an autoimmune disease called alopecia areata, the majority of her patients had androgenic alopecia, or male-pattern baldness. According to Cleveland Clinic, an estimated 25% of men will notice hair loss before age 21, and 70% will experience hair loss as they age.馬西克稱,脫發的原因可能是壓力和一種稱為斑秃的自身免疫性疾病,但她的大多數患者都患有男性秃頭,也稱雄激素性脫發。據克利夫蘭醫學中心估計,25%的男性在21歲之前會出現脫發,70%的男性會随着年齡增長而脫發。

Male-pattern baldness is caused by the hormone dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, Massick said, which shrinks hair follicles, causing hair to grow thinner and fall out more easily.馬西克說,雄激素性脫發是由激素二氫睾酮引起的。二氫睾酮會導緻毛囊收縮,頭發變細,更容易脫落。

A balanced diet rich in protein and iron can help keep your hair healthy and strong, Massick said. Foods like chicken, eggs, greek yogurt, and beef contain high amounts of protein, which is most of what makes up hair follicles. Protein also contains iron, which helps the body bring oxygen to cells associated with hair growth, according to Healthline.馬西克說,富含蛋白質和鐵的均衡飲食有助于保持頭發健康強壯。雞肉、雞蛋、希臘酸奶和牛肉等食物含有大量蛋白質,這是構成毛囊的主要成分。據健康線網站報道,蛋白質含有鐵元素,鐵可以促進身體為與毛發生長相關的細胞提供氧氣。

Dr. Debra Jaliman, a dermatologist who is an assistant professor at the Dermatology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, previously told Insider that when the body doesn't get enough protein, the protein that is consumed is allocated toward essential body functions, which doesn't include hair growth.西奈山伊坎醫學院皮膚病學助理教授、皮膚病醫生德布拉·賈利曼博士告訴内幕網,當身體攝入蛋白質不足時,蛋白質消耗用于維持身體的基本功能,而不包括頭發生長。


Massick said to avoid putting tension on your hair whenever possible; hair styles like perms, extensions, and hair straightening can put stress on your hair that can make it more likely to fall out.馬西克稱,要盡可能讓頭發放松,燙發、接發和直發等美發造型都會給頭發帶來壓力,使其更容易脫落。

Massick says shampoos that advertise hair growth usually aren't worth your money because they don't stay in your hair long enough to penetrate to your follicles. She said shampoos meant to treat conditions like dandruff and eczema, which can cause hair loss, can be effective at treating those conditions but not hair loss itself.馬西克表示,生發洗髮乳通常不值得購買,因為産品在頭發中停留的時間不夠長,無法穿透毛囊。針對頭皮屑和濕疹等可能導緻脫發的疾病的洗髮乳可以有效治療這些疾病,但對治療脫發沒什麼效果。


Minoxidil is an over-the-counter medication that Massick said had been shown to help prevent hair loss and, in some cases, regain lost hair. While it's unclear exactly how minoxidil works, it's thought to enlarge hair follicles and increase the body's hair-growth phase, according to Healthline.馬西克介紹,米諾地爾是一種已經證明有助于防止脫發的非處方藥,在某些情況下可以讓頭發再生。據健康線網站報道,目前尚不清楚米諾地爾的作用原理,但它可以擴大毛囊,增加身體的毛發生長期。


