
美麗鄉村入“畫”來 | 長滿“金疙瘩”的桑葚第一村



美麗鄉村入“畫”來 | 長滿“金疙瘩”的桑葚第一村



01 遼甯特産桑葚之鄉


說起桑葚,不得不說虹南村的南溝。這個聲名遠播的桑葚生産地,坐落在虹螺山腳下,是一個獨立的自然屯。由于周邊 10 公裡内沒有廠礦,環境沒有污染。而桑園建在山坳裡,早春氣溫高,光照充足,四面有山環繞,不受季節風影響;晝夜溫差大,糖分積累高,再加上該地獨特的紅色園土含豐富的四氧化三鐵,有機質及鐵等礦物質含量高,非常适合桑葚果樹生長。同時品種統一,栽植密度适宜,果園整齊一緻,樹勢健壯,通風透光,源自天成的自然條件,造就了這裡的桑葚“果大、色亮、味甜、口感好”,并憑此特色而馳名省内外。

美麗鄉村入“畫”來 | 長滿“金疙瘩”的桑葚第一村

400 年桑樹王成為虹南村一景

南溝種植桑樹已有 200 多年的曆史,桑園内百年以上桑樹有 15 株,還有一株 400 年的桑樹王。過去村民種植桑樹都是在房前屋後,沒有形成規模,經濟效益并不理想。為了帶領村民緻富,村黨支部用本村的桑葚作為基礎資源,利用其營養價值高的優勢,克服儲存期短的弊端,揚長避短,開展深加工,把桑葚産業做細做深,以此增加農民收入,壯大村集體經濟。2011 年,組織成立了葫蘆島市南溝桑葚專業合作社,2013 年注冊“虹螺岘南溝”商标,2014年獲得國家地理辨別,2015 年獲得有機食品認證。

2016 年,虹螺岘鎮黨委提出“結構調整邁大步,土地集約要先行,多業并舉緻富路,齊心協力富農戶”的緻富思路後,他們積極轉變種植觀念,完成虹南村桑葚生态綜合治理項目,配套了水、電和田間路,把土地連成片,标準化種植,擴大桑葚特色産業的種植規模,并大力推廣先進技術,打造遼西最大桑葚生産地,申報了“遼甯特産桑葚之鄉”。近年來,虹南村年生産鮮桑葚 60 餘萬公斤,産值 500 餘萬元。

2017 年初,在鎮黨委、政府的大力支援引導下,虹南村成立了村集體企業——虹螺岘桑葚食品有限公司,上了桑葚幹加工項目,保底價收購村民的鮮桑葚。2017 年,公司生産桑葚幹 2500 公斤,創利潤 15 萬元,貧困戶得到分紅,虹南村也有了村集體收入,一舉甩掉了“空殼村”的帽子;2020 年,年底分紅後,村集體經濟收入達到 8 萬元。嘗到桑葚幹加工項目的甜頭後,南溝桑葚專業合作社又與相關企業合作,開發了桑葚酒、桑葉茶,桑葚産業鍊持續拉長。

02 小桑葚做出大産業

每年的 5 月中旬到 6 月底,走進虹南村,你會看到一片一片綠油油的桑樹園,在這個季節,桑葚進入了盛産期,味甜汁多、顔色亮麗的桑果讓人情不自禁駐足此間,嬉戲采摘。


美麗鄉村入“畫”來 | 長滿“金疙瘩”的桑葚第一村


美麗鄉村入“畫”來 | 長滿“金疙瘩”的桑葚第一村
美麗鄉村入“畫”來 | 長滿“金疙瘩”的桑葚第一村


2017 年,在鎮政府大力扶持下他們發展認養農業,争取區政府基礎設施資金,投入 50 萬元建立了村内通往南溝的水泥路,投入 150 萬元修建了 2 個停車場和園區環山路,另外還開辟了1000平方米的桑葚批發市場。他們精選 13 家桑樹園,開辟了 13 個認養區,選出可供認養桑樹 1000 餘株,采取“網際網路 + 認養農業 + 黨建扶貧”模式,客戶認養桑樹後,可随時來采桑園觀賞采摘,未采摘的餘額将以 10:1 的比例制成桑葚幹給客戶,用快遞的方式送到客戶指定的地方。桑樹認養得到了全區機關、企事業機關和社會各界人士的積極響應和廣泛參與,認養數量達 1136 棵,簽約金額 22 萬元。據不完全統計,2017 年僅靠認養這一塊,南溝農民可以實作增收 100 萬元,認養農業也成為全市的農業标杆産業。

同時,他們以桑葚采摘做大鄉村旅遊産品,配套建設了以“住農家院、吃農家菜、賞農家景”為主題的農家樂旅遊設施。他們還連續舉辦了五屆采桑文化節,通過市、區各大媒體的立體式宣傳,南溝桑葚的名氣一發不可收,各地遊人絡繹不絕,使得村民足不出戶就把桑葚賣了,每天都供不應求,桑葚價格一直在每斤 5 元以上 ,每家都獲得了可觀的收入。近年來,虹南村每年接待遊客 20 萬人次以上,旅遊消費收入每年超過 200 萬元。虹南村也被授予省鄉村旅遊示範村、市文明村等光榮稱号。


After Mid-May, mulberries in Village of Hongnan usher in a harvest season. People can't help taking a rest, or picking a few mulberries under mulberry trees at the sight of sweet and juicy fruits.

Situated in the Town of Hongluoxian of Huludao, the village is famous for its mulberries, with a planting area of 1.33 square kilometers. The mulberries produced in the village are renowned not only in Liaoning Province, but also around the country. With an annual yield of over 600 thousand kilograms, the mulberries have brought an annual output value of over 5 million yuan for the village. The mulberry products, with a GI indication, have already been certified as green food. The village, with a considerable annual output and high-quality mulberry products, is acclaimed as the village of mulberries in northeast China.

Rather than resting on its own laurels, the village has taken a step further and upgraded the industry structure by combining agriculture with tourism, so that the village can benefit from both agriculture and tourism.

In 2017, with the support and an infrastructure fund of 500,000 yuan from the local governments, the village built a broad cement road, as well as two large parking lots and mountain road with another 1.5 million yuan. Moreover, a wholesale mulberry market of 1,000 square meters was built. Currently, there are 13 choice orchards in the village, over 1,000 mulberry trees for residents in the village to “adopt”. People can “adopt” mulberry trees via internet or through government support. After adoption, they are free to visit their trees or pick mulberries at their convenience. The mulberries unpicked by their “adopted owners” will be made into dried mulberries and mailed to clients.

The mulberry-adoption business is actively responded by local governments, government-affiliated institutions, companies and residents, with the adopted mulberry trees amounting to 1136, and a contract sum of 220,000 yuan. In 2017, the adoption business alone brought villagers an extra 1 million yuan, making it the benchmark for the agriculture in Huludao.

The mulberry-picking has become the major name card for rural tourism in the village. The agritainment activities featuring “living in farmhouses, tasting country food, and enjoying rural scenery” have been organized, and relevant facilities set up. With the promotion of local media, villagers can not only have tourists in an endless stream, but also have their mulberries sell out without stepping out of their homes. Mulberries, at a current market price of 10 yuan per kilogram, brought a considerable income for all households of the village.

In recent years, the village attracted over 200,000 tourists each year, with an annual tourist revenue over 2 million yuan. The village is accredited by the government of Liaoning Province as the model of rural tourism.

(Trans. by Liu Xiaodan)


檢校:水 天
