
美國版“谷愛淩”:Nathan Chen


當我們為谷愛淩歡呼之時,美國媒體在力推陳威(Nathan Chen),努力打造美國版“谷愛淩”。兩人同為華人面孔,同是冬奧金牌獲得者,同是美國名校生。不同的是,一個代表中國,一個代表美國。美國的報道中,對陳及其母親的描述充滿溫情和感動。此番操作,讓人不得不佩服美國國際傳播的叙事方式和高超平衡術。

For Team USA's Nathan Chen, 'blood, sweat, tears' led to Olympic gold

By Coy Wire, Nectar Gan and Simone McCarthy, CNN

Updated 1007 GMT (1807 HKT) February 11, 2022


When Team USA's Nathan Chen skated to his first Olympic gold medal in a flawless performance in Beijing on Thursday, it was the culmination of a years-long dream for the first-generation American and Salt Lake City native.


"A lot of years of work. A lot of people supporting me, a lot of -- I know it's cliche -- but blood, sweat and tears, (over) just many, many years," said the 22-year-old, whose energetic routine in the long program set him well above the competition.


美國版“谷愛淩”:Nathan Chen

Nathan Chen said his mother contributed to his Olympic gold medal win.


He recalled how, when he was around 10 years old, she found a way for Chen to work with a coach in California, while the family was living hundreds of miles away in Salt Lake City, Utah.


"We weren't really in a great financial place to be able to move to California...(and) ice time is significantly cheaper in Salt Lake than it is in California. But she still strapped together as many dollars as she could and would drive me from Utah to California, back to Utah from California, over and over and over," Chen said.


"Any hour of the day, whether it's 3 a.m., she was just chugging along in the car, getting me to my training sessions, and it was just, like, unreal," he said.

Chen also credits his own work ethic and true love for his sport to his mother's parenting style -- which he said did not fall into the mold of the "tiger mom" stereotype.


"It was a mix of business and fun. She holds a very high standard for all of us. But within that standard, she wants us to enjoy what it is that we're doing," Chen said, referring to himself and his four siblings.


Chen told reporters Thursday that his win held special meaning because it took place in Beijing -- the city where his mother grew up and where his parents met.


美國版“谷愛淩”:Nathan Chen

Nathan Chen celebrates after winning the gold medal in the men's free skate program.

As for what's next after reaching his Olympic dream, Chen said he is looking forward to returning to his undergraduate studies at Yale University, where he is pursuing a statistics and data science degree -- a program he took a break from in order to prepare for the Games.
