
《Talk Lean》—— 精益讨論要點一覽禮貌地直達問題,Politely to the Point開始會議會議中談話的路徑肢體語言會議要結束時



《Talk Lean》—— 精益讨論要點一覽禮貌地直達問題,Politely to the Point開始會議會議中談話的路徑肢體語言會議要結束時

Talk Lean


  • 直接且禮貌
  • 會議開始時,明确會議目标
  • 會議結束時,會議目标要可衡量、可審查
  • 會議中難免會有沒有被表達的内容,被表達的内容可能有更好的表達方式
  • 成為一個好聽衆:主動聆聽
  • 回應演講者:從講話者的角度,從自己的角度,從二者共同的角度
  • 有疑問就問
  • 所做即所說,所說即所做

禮貌地直達問題,Politely to the Point

開場白通常有兩種方式:禮貌卻回避問題(polite but long-winded),直接卻不夠禮貌(direct but not very nice)。前者沒有任何推動作用,後者則會引發對抗。







主動聆聽 active listening



  1. 從對方的角度;
  2. 從自己的角度;
  3. 從二者的角度。


  • 你剛才說的是什麼意思?
  • 你為什麼會這麼想?


  • 我認為
  • 我覺得
  • 我需要
  • 剛才你說ABC,我告訴自己XYZ


  • 我要如何如何做,好讓你...
  • 我們現在該怎麼做


  1. 你了解對方的話,但不清楚動機;
  2. 不了解對方的話;
  3. 了解對方的話,但需要澄清;









  1. Start on time.
  2. Know the importance of proper meeting mechanics
  • following the agenda
  • note taking guidelines
  • removing distractions
  1. Keep your points numbered and your meeting format in line with the agenda.
  2. Get the team members involved in managing the meeting
  • hanging flip chart sheets
  • taking minutes
  • providing time checks
  1. Use the room as your stage
  • walk around freely
  • don’t be tied down to a podium
  • use casual body language (sit on table, lean against wall, sit occasionally)
  1. Maintain control
  • review the agenda
  • repeat the meeting objective
  • prevent cross talk
  1. Use visual aids (flip charts, writing boards etc.)
  • don’t censor comments
  • don’t worry about spelling
  • shorten long comments (go back to the person if clarification is required)
  • write legibly
  • get everyone’s idea on the board
  • use different coloured markers to emphasize key points
  1. Ask open questions to encourage discussions. Use closed questions to conclude discussions.
  2. Stimulate conversation when ideas are slowing down
  • paraphrase questions
  • use non-verbal cues to encourage response (leave the front of the room, or ask the contributing member to write the idea on the board)
  • ask everyone for comments
  • wait patiently until a member is finished
  1. Remain neutral
  • don’t take sides
  • remain non-defensive
  • avoid lecturing
  1. Acknowledge everyone in the group
  • try not to be phony
  • use probing questions
  • be aware of the silent members on the team
  1. Practice writing on chalkboard and listening at the same time.
  2. Use subtle methods to quiet the dominant speaker
  • use directed questions to someone else
  • use closed questions
  • stand near the dominant speaker as a display of physical presence (this technique displays authority)
  • be tactful
  1. To regain leadership
  • stand, don’t sit
  • be visible to the entire group
  • use a clear voice that can be heard by all
  • remind the group of meeting objectives
  1. Stand beside the flip chart or board
  • do not block the information
  • talk to the audience, not onto the board or flip chart
  • it’s OK to add points to existing wall charts
  1. Write large enough to be read from the back of the room
  • avoid abbreviations
  • print instead of write
  • don’t overcrowd a sheet, use lots of paper
  1. Invite additional resources into the meeting, if topics are expected to go beyond the expertise of the group.
  2. Provide hand-outs to team members
  • should be prepared at least 24 hours prior to the

    meeting, or after a meeting has ended ready for the next

  1. Use breaks if required
  • effective method when a loss of control is evident
  • to stop a dominating member who is disrupting

    the meeting

  • to re-emphasize an issue
  1. Don’t make time checks obvious, although they are important.
  2. Create the proper environment for the topics being discussed.
  3. Don’t be afraid to have fun
  • use jokes and small talk where appropriate
  1. Be warm and friendly.
  2. Do not become over possessive with the power of leadership. Remember that your team

    members are also co-workers and friends

  3. Channel any nervous energy
  • do not wave pens or pointers
  • do not stand rigid, or fidget too much
  1. Leave open space in front of the room for notes and material. Arrange the room


  2. Be flexible.
  3. Recap at the end of the meeting and explain the next steps.
  4. Conclude the session effectively.
