
Unit 10 與同僚一起搭車回家


deliver        遞交

district       區域

neighbour      鄰居

atmosphere     氣氛

tired          勞累的

corner         拐角

stuffy         通風不良的

switch         關閉開關

argument       争論

amicable       友好的

flag           旗幟

stall          攤子

buzz           嗡嗡響

discovery      發現

fresh          新鮮的






另外,atmosphere和air都可以用來形容團體互動中所産生的感受或情緒上的緊張,也可以形容某人所流露出的态度,如:She carried an air of superiority.

2、in the corner

當我們要表達某物處于某一事物内部的角落時,需要使用in the corner。

而表達在某一條路的轉角時,則需要使用at the corner。


Are you going my way?

Can you give me a lift?

Can ypu give me a ride?


A:Ah...at last,I hve delivered my documents to our supervisor.Now it's time to go back home!My brain is buzzing!Hi,Megan,where do you live?Wanna go home together?

B:Okay,I live in the 7th Building,Rainbow Garden,Da'an District.Are you going my way?

A:Really?I live in the Star Building,just next to the Rainbow Garden.Haha...fabulous!A big discovery,isn't it?

B:We become neighbours then!Can you give me a ride?

A:Sure!Let's go.

B:What fresh air outside!Sarah,will you cook after work?I am so tired that I even don't want to move my legs.

A:You don't move your legs,the car does!Haha...That's because it's the first day you get to work.It will be all right tomorrow!I don't want to cook,either.Do you know the KFC nearby?

B:Oh,you mean the one at the corner of the main street?Yeah,we can go there.It's my turn to buy you dinner.
