
“自動駕駛”手杖,幫盲人導航|Science Robotics

“自動駕駛”手杖,幫盲人導航|Science Robotics

來源 Science Alert

原作 David Nield

翻譯 董聿恒

編輯 魏潇



在測試中,這種新型智能盲杖可以使有視覺障礙的受試者行走速度提升 18%。對于全世界約 2.5 億的視覺障礙人士,這項技術将為他們的生活品質帶來一系列的提升。

“我們不希望隻是往普通的盲杖上安裝上傳感器,它應當對使用者更友好。” 來自美國斯坦福大學(Stanford University)的機械工程師 Patrick Slade 如是說,“它不但能告訴你有東西擋在你的路上,還能幫助你避開障礙。”

這款智能盲杖高度依賴于雷射雷達( Light Detection and Ranging, LiDAR),使用雷射反射來定位物體并進行測距。同時,它還内置了常見于智能手機的傳感器:GPS、加速度計、磁強計和陀螺儀。這些傳感器組可以實時監測使用者的位置、速度和行進方向。

在軟體方面,這款盲杖使用了一系列人工智能算法,包括同步定位與地圖建構(simultaneous localization and mapping, SLAM)。這是一種建構未知區域地圖并同時定位使用者在其中的位置的方法。


“我們希望使用者本人能夠掌握控制權,我們隻會提供給他們恰到好處的、溫和的引導,來幫助他們盡量安全而高效地去到他們想去的地方。”同樣來自斯坦福大學的計算機科學家 Mykel Kochenderfer 這樣說。


這款盲杖是在許多視覺障礙人士的幫助下開發出來的。用 Slade 的話說,他們提供了“非常棒的回報資訊”。許多設計上和導航上的改進都是基于這些實際使用了這款裝置的人的回報評價而作出的。

不過目前,它還隻是一款研究原型機。研究團隊已經将他們的設計全部開源,所有擁有相關的知識技能和材料(大概價值 400 美元,約合人民币 2500 元)的人都可以制作自己的智能盲杖并參與到它的開發中來。

“我們希望進一步優化這個項目,讓它更加實惠并易于複制,” Kochenderfer 說, “任何人都可以來下載下傳我們的代碼、材料清單和電子版圖紙,它們全部都是免費的。”

相關論文已經發表于《科學-機器人》(Science Robotics)。



【标題】Multimodal sensing and intuitive steering assistance improve navigation and mobility for people with impaired vision

【作者】Patrick Slade, Arjun Tambe and Mykel J. Kochenderfer

【期刊】Science Robotics

【日期】13 October 2021



【摘要】Globally, more than 250 million people have impaired vision and face challenges navigating outside their homes, affecting their independence, mental health, and physical health. Navigating unfamiliar routes is challenging for people with impaired vision because it may require avoiding obstacles, recognizing objects, and wayfinding indoors and outdoors. Existing approaches such as white canes, guide dogs, and electronic travel aids only tackle some of these challenges. Here, we present the Augmented Cane, a white cane with a comprehensive set of sensors and an intuitive feedback method to steer the user, which addresses navigation challenges and improves mobility for people with impaired vision. We compared the Augmented Cane with a white cane by having sighted and visually impaired participants complete navigation challenges while blindfolded: walking along hallways, avoiding obstacles, and following outdoor waypoints. Across all experiments, the Augmented Cane increased the walking speed for participants with impaired vision by 18 ± 7% and sighted participants by 35 ± 12% compared with a white cane. The increase in walking speed may be due to accurate steering assistance, reduced cognitive load, fewer contacts with the environment, and higher participant confidence. We also demonstrate advanced navigation capabilities of the Augmented Cane: indoor wayfinding, recognizing and steering the participant to a key object, and navigating a sequence of indoor and outdoor challenges. The open-source and low-cost design of the Augmented Cane provides a platform that may improve the mobility and quality of life of people with impaired vision.

“自動駕駛”手杖,幫盲人導航|Science Robotics

