
EBS R12多組織通路控制

MOAC(Multi-Org Access Control)為多組織通路控制,是Oracle EBS R12的重要新功能,它可以實作在一個Responsibility下對多個Operation Unit(OU)進行操作。MOAC允許使用者在不切換responsibility的情況下,在一個responsibility下處理多個OU組織的事 務。

User --> Responsibilities --> Single Operation Unit Mode  /  Multiple Operation Unit Mode

EBS R12多組織通路控制


某集團公司下邊主要分為三個區域(北美,歐洲,亞太),亞太區你是一采購部經理,負責所有七個Operation Unit。

這 種情況下,系統管理者可以建立一個security profile,這個security profile設定成可以通路這七個亞太組織,并把這個security profile賦予到你的responsibility下,這樣你就能在同一個職責下通路這七個OU了,就不用不停地切換職責來通路不同OU了。

另外如果你要經常進行中國OU下的事務,那麼你可以設定Profile:MO: Default Operating Unit到中國,那麼業務預設的OU就是中國了。

EBS R12多組織通路控制


MO: Security Profile :provides access to multiple operating units from a single responsibility.If the MO: Security Profile is set, then the MO: Operating Unit profile will be ignored.

MO: Default Operating Unit :If you set the MO: Security Profile profile option, you can also set an operating unit as the default operating unit using the MO: Default Operating Unit profile option. This is useful when you transact in multiple operating unit but frequently transact in one operating unit.

MO:  Operating Unit :MO: Operating Unit profile option only provides access to one operating unit.

EBS R12多組織通路控制

 1) If the profile  option “MO: Security Profile” is not set, then “MO:  Operating Unit”  value is used  as the default Operating Unit even if “MO:  Default Operating Unit” profile is set to a different value.

 2) If the profile option “MO: Security Profile” is set and gives access to only one Operating Unit, the default Operating Unit will return this  value even if “MO: Default Operating Unit” is set to a different  value.

 3) If the profile option “MO: Security  Profile” is set and gives access to  multiple Operating Units :

      -  If the profile value “MO: Default Operating Unit”  is set,  it  is validated  against the list of Operating Units in “MO: Security Profile”.

         + If  the Operating Unit is included in the security profile then it is  returned as the default value.

          + Else there is no defaulted Operating Unit . 

     -  If the Profile Option “MO: Default Operating Unit”  is not  set,  then there is zero (no)  default Operating Unit.

單組織即一個Responsibility隻通路一個OU,設定情況大體如下,對于職責:Manufacturing and Distribution Manager,

MO: Operating Unit=Vision Operations

MO: Security Profile=空

EBS R12多組織通路控制
EBS R12多組織通路控制

首 先定義一個Security Profile,路徑:HRMS Super User Responsibility > Security > Define Security Profile,Business Group:Vision Corporation,'Security Type'選擇'Secure organizations by organization hierarchy and/or organization list',并且我們把在Organization Name清單中添加三個OU:Vision Operations,Vision Corporation ,Vision Services.

EBS R12多組織通路控制

保 存定義的Security Profile,然後在HR職責下,運作“Security List Maintenance” program,“Generate lists for”= One Named Security Profile ,Security Profile是剛剛定義的'PTIAN_SECURITY_PROFILE'。

Security List Maintenance的作用是讓你定義的Security Profile生效,能夠設定到Profile "MO: Security Profile"(The Security List Maintenance concurrent program must be run each time you add or change Security Profiles.)

EBS R12多組織通路控制
EBS R12多組織通路控制
EBS R12多組織通路控制
