
A very heart-wrenching sentence: I have never seen a teacher become a principal because he teaches well!

author:Stars fall to the skirt

There has always been a common phenomenon in the field of education in mainland China, that is, principals are often not outstanding because of teaching and educating people, but have advantages in other aspects, such as good management, strong coordination skills, and good interpersonal relationships. This phenomenon has been plaguing the majority of teachers, who feel that although they teach well, they have fewer opportunities for promotion, and it is difficult for them to get the rewards and recognition they deserve in their education careers.

A very heart-wrenching sentence: I have never seen a teacher become a principal because he teaches well!

Here's why

The mechanism for selecting principals needs to be improved. At present, the selection of principals still focuses too much on administrative management ability, and ignores excellent performance in teaching and educating people. When selecting principals, some schools pay more attention to the candidate's performance in coordination, public relations, project application, etc., rather than teaching level and educational performance. As a result, some excellent teachers are not able to stand out and be promoted to principals.

A very heart-wrenching sentence: I have never seen a teacher become a principal because he teaches well!

There is a serious tendency towards administrativeness. In recent years, educational administration has become increasingly bloated, and schools have paid more and more attention to coping with various administrative tasks and reports, while ignoring the fundamental responsibility of teaching and educating people. In order to cope with the tedious administrative work, some principals focus more on management than on teaching instruction. This practice also makes it difficult to reuse teachers who are excellent at teaching.

A very heart-wrenching sentence: I have never seen a teacher become a principal because he teaches well!

There is a narrow space for teachers' professional development. Most schools in mainland China lack a complete career development channel for teachers, and the career development channels for teachers are too simple, either working in teaching positions all the time, or turning to administrative management, and it is difficult to achieve career promotion on the basis of teaching. This also makes it impossible for teachers with excellent teaching skills to be reused and promoted as they deserve.

A very heart-wrenching sentence: I have never seen a teacher become a principal because he teaches well!

The status and remuneration of teachers need to be improved urgently. For a long time, the social status and economic treatment of teachers need to be further improved, which restricts the professional development of teachers to a certain extent. Some outstanding teachers choose to leave education jobs and pursue other more promising jobs because of low salaries and low social status.

A very heart-wrenching sentence: I have never seen a teacher become a principal because he teaches well!

We should take measures

Improve the selection mechanism of principals, and pay more attention to teaching ability. In the process of selecting principals, the teaching level and educational achievements should be regarded as important assessment indicators, rather than just the administrative management ability. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the assessment of the educational philosophy and education methods of the principal candidates, so as to ensure the central position of the school's teaching and educating people.

A very heart-wrenching sentence: I have never seen a teacher become a principal because he teaches well!

Reduce the administrative burden on schools and free up more teaching time for teachers. Relevant departments should further simplify the administrative work of schools, reduce the cumbersome administrative tasks undertaken by teachers, and enable teachers to devote more energy to teaching and educating people, and give full play to their teaching expertise.

A very heart-wrenching sentence: I have never seen a teacher become a principal because he teaches well!

Improve the career development channels for teachers, and create promotion opportunities for outstanding teachers. In addition to the traditional promotion channel of principals, we should explore the establishment of diversified career development channels for teachers, so as to create more promotion opportunities for teachers with excellent teaching skills, so that their teaching strength can be properly developed and reflected.

Further improve the status and remuneration of teachers. The government and all sectors of society should pay more attention to the construction of the teaching force, continuously improve the social status and economic treatment of teachers, make the teaching profession more attractive, and attract more outstanding talents to devote themselves to the cause of teaching and educating people.

A very heart-wrenching sentence: I have never seen a teacher become a principal because he teaches well!

By taking measures, we can truly solve the problem that principals are generally not promoted because of good teaching, so that more outstanding teachers can stand out, play their due role in education, and contribute to the cultivation of more outstanding talents.

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