
Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

author:Water cup entertainment
Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

Text: Water Cup Entertainment

Edit: Water Cup Entertainment


When business legend Cao Dewang announced his withdrawal from Fuyao Group, everyone was stunned.

Who would have thought that this business giant would choose to leave the business world and devote himself to public welfare? And his latest move has once again refreshed our cognition - the Fuyao University of Science and Technology, which he donated to found, will officially enroll students in September this year!

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

This is not an ordinary university, but a cradle dedicated to cultivating science and engineering talents.

Question: What exactly is the focus of Fuda?

In the hearts of the students of Guangzhou, there has always been a legend that the tuition fees of private universities are like sky-high prices, which are more expensive than public schools.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

However, there is one school whose tuition is as bright as the sun and close to the people.

It is Fuyao University of Science and Technology.

The tuition fee of this school is really not high, I heard that it is only 6,000 yuan per year! Isn't it a bit unbelievable? But this is not a legend, it is true.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

You heard it right, it's only 6,000 yuan! This price is quite friendly to many families, and it won't make your family stretched thin to pay for your schooling, and it won't put you on a huge mountain of debt.

So, why is the tuition fee of Fuyao University of Science and Technology so affordable? Maybe it's because this school has a heart of great love.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

The people at Cao's alma mater may have thought of a problem early on: education should not be a burden.

They may think of those children who pay silently, but have an average family background, and their dreams are also worthy of being supported and cared for.

So, they decided to open the doors of this school wider, so that more children with dreams can come in and receive high-quality education to realize their dreams.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

Moreover, the accommodation conditions at this school are also quite good.

Think about it, if you can live in a warm and comfortable environment every day, then the motivation to study will definitely be stronger.

You don't have to worry about tuition fees or accommodation, you just need to concentrate on your studies and chase your dreams.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

Fuyao University of Science and Technology is not only a school, but also a warm world.

So, don't doubt it anymore, if you have a dream, you might as well come to Fuyao University of Science and Technology to have a look! Here is everything you want, here is the stage for you to realize your dreams, here, is your home.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

The "big guy routine" behind private universities

Private universities, in the final analysis, are a group of visionary entrepreneurs who have set their sights on the fertile soil of education and want to sow the seeds of the future here.

On the one hand, they are contributing to education, and on the other hand, they also hope to dig out the future elites of their own enterprises in the school.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

However, it has not been all smooth sailing for private universities, and they face many difficulties.

Does the high tuition fee match the quality of teaching? That's a big problem! After all, spending a lot of money and reaping a poor education will outweigh the losses.

If educational resources are not evenly distributed, then the learning outcomes of students will be very different.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

It is a question of the school's philosophy.

The "shadow of the big guys" behind some private universities is worrying.

Is it about providing quality education, or is it about profiteering? If it's the latter, it's chilling.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

Education should be a pure land, not a utilitarian one.

However, it is not possible to generalize.

After all, there are good and bad people in the world.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

Some private universities may really spare no effort for the cause of education and provide students with high-quality educational resources.

They may be devoting themselves to education without hesitation because of their love for education.

It is important to distinguish between what is good and what is not so reliable.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

After all, for every school, their mission should be the same: to provide students with a good learning environment and cultivate well-rounded talents with moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development.

This is education in the true sense of the word.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

Does the principal change the soup or not the medicine?

Fuyao University of Science and Technology, the president has changed twice, which is really a bit frequent.

The first principal, Zhu Chongshi, is an old friend of the countryman and Mr. Cao, and the relationship is so iron.

Under his leadership, the quality of education and the construction of the school have made a qualitative leap.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

Unfortunately, due to physical reasons, he had to choose to leave this position.

Replacing Zhu Chongshi is Academician Mei Hong, who can be called the "big man" in the scientific community.

Although he was also a good friend of Cao Dajiao, the busy scientific research life made it impossible for him to take care of the position of president for a long time, so he had to resign from this position.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

Academician Mei's departure may be a pity, but after all, he is a giant of scientific research and has brought a lot of honor and prestige to the school.

In the end, the responsibility of the principal fell to Wang Shuguo's shoulders.

He may not be a giant in the field of science, but he is an experienced educator.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

Principal Wang took over the responsibility of the principal and was determined to inherit the legacy of the previous principal, continue to promote the development of the school, provide better educational resources for students, and cultivate more outstanding talents.

Although the change of principal may bring some fluctuations to the school, it is also an inevitability.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

School Policy: Controversial

Fuyao University of Science and Technology's enrollment plan has finally been announced, attracting 1,000 undergraduate students, with science and engineering majors accounting for the majority.

It sounds like good news, after all, science and engineering have always been a popular major, and the future is bright.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

However, I heard that the school does not provide research opportunities, which is a bit disappointing!

For many students, the postgraduate entrance examination is an important choice and a way for them to continue their studies.

If the school doesn't provide the opportunity to secure a graduate school, it will be a bit of a laggard.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

Perhaps they believe that the provision of research opportunities may have some negative impact on the quality of teaching and the academic atmosphere in the school.

After all, it can also lead to unnecessary competition and pressure, and even make students look too far away and ignore the learning in front of them.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

On the other hand, perhaps the school believes that it is only through its own efforts that it can truly grow into a good researcher.

They want students to learn consciously and strive to improve their academic standards, rather than relying on external umbrellas.

But no matter what, students should learn to face reality, accept challenges, and strive to improve their abilities.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

You may not have the opportunity to secure a graduate school, but that doesn't mean you don't have any other options.

As long as you work hard enough, there will always be opportunities and a future that belong to you.

Conclusion: Education is a long road, who will compete?

Cao Dewang, the business giant, turned his focus to education, which is really admirable.

Before the enrollment was enrolled, there have been three principals! What about Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology

However, the development direction of private universities remains to be discussed.

After all, education is the future of the country, and we hope that every student can receive a high-quality education in a fair and just environment, so that they can better contribute to society and the country.

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