
Official! Top 10 luxury brands with leading quality revealed, Volvo runner-up, Audi BMW selected!

Introduction: With the continuous improvement of national consumption capacity in the past two years, more and more consumers can afford luxury cars, but everyone also has concerns about the quality of luxury cars and does not know how to choose. Recently, China Automotive Quality Network announced the annual ranking of luxury car brand quality, the top ten luxury car brands with leading quality were announced, the ultra-luxury brand Porsche won the championship, Volvo and Audi were ranked in the top three, and Cadillac, Lexus, BMW and Mercedes-Benz were also on the list. Official! Top 10 luxury brands with leading quality revealed, Volvo runner-up, Audi BMW selected!

Official! Top 10 luxury brands with leading quality revealed, Volvo runner-up, Audi BMW selected!

The tenth place is Mercedes-Benz, as the world's most popular luxury car brand, Mercedes-Benz cars rank a bit lower, with a quality score of 174 (the higher the quality of the points, the worse), which is 9 points higher than the average score. The ninth place is Lincoln Motor, Lincoln Car's ranking positioning is still more appropriate, its quality is divided into 172, as an American luxury car brand, Lincoln's performance in details also needs to be improved, but in terms of quality, it is more advanced than Mercedes-Benz.

Official! Top 10 luxury brands with leading quality revealed, Volvo runner-up, Audi BMW selected!

The eighth place is BMW, and like Mercedes-Benz, BMW's ranking performance is not satisfactory, and the quality score is also higher than the industry average. The seventh place is Lexus, as the world's most reliable quality luxury car brand, Lexus's performance is astonishing, the quality performance is actually not as good as Cadillac and other second-tier luxury car brands. The sixth place is Land Rover Motors, to be honest, Land Rover Motors can enter the top ten, or quite surprising, because its performance in our domestic market is relatively average, and according to the quality list released by the US media J.D. Power, Land Rover Motors has also ranked low many times.

Official! Top 10 luxury brands with leading quality revealed, Volvo runner-up, Audi BMW selected!

The fifth place is Jaguar Motors, which performs similarly to Land Rover and has a relatively close quality score, but it also ranks lower in the quality list released by the US media J.D. Power. In fourth place is Cadillac Motors, as a leader in second-tier luxury car brands, Cadillac has performed well in the market, but its electronic systems have made consumers less satisfied. The third place is Audi Cars, audi cars have a quality score of less than 160, although Audi cars are not as good as BMW and Mercedes-Benz, but in terms of owner satisfaction, they are ahead of BMW and Mercedes-Benz.

Official! Top 10 luxury brands with leading quality revealed, Volvo runner-up, Audi BMW selected!

Finally, the second place is Volvo Cars, which has always been known for safety, and its reputation in the domestic market is also excellent, and volvo won the runner-up in this period, with an average quality ratio of 22 points lower. The first place is Porsche Cars, Porsche's victory is still relatively controversial, after all, its recent problems are continuous, but the list statistics are 2021 data, so it is also acceptable. For the top ten luxury brands with leading quality, Volvo runner-up, Audi Baoma list, what do you think?

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