
The deaths of these two people unexpectedly caused the greatest catastrophe in the history of the Soviet Union, and more than 20 million people were suppressed

The three most important catastrophes in the history of the Soviet Union were the final collapse of the Soviet Union, the German invasion, and the last Stalin's Great Purge. Throughout the movement, millions of people lost their lives and more than twenty million people were suppressed. Such an unprecedented movement had serious consequences for the Soviet Union.

The deaths of these two people unexpectedly caused the greatest catastrophe in the history of the Soviet Union, and more than 20 million people were suppressed

Throughout the campaign, the main people killed by shooting were some soviet middle managers, as well as some upper managers. The movement continued from the top of the state to the various organs, among which the most disastrous was in the army. Almost all the senior command officers were shot, and the brigade commander, regimental commander, and battalion commander were also in existence.

The loss of managers in many enterprises has reached more than 80 percent, and many scientists and engineers have been executed. It can be said that ninety percent of the technicians of the SOVIET Union were shot. It was the death of some people that led to the Soviet Union being a terrible presence in the Western countries.

The deaths of these two people unexpectedly caused the greatest catastrophe in the history of the Soviet Union, and more than 20 million people were suppressed

So why did such a terrible movement rise? This is closely related to the death of two people, one named Kirov and the other Stalin's wife.

Originally, the Soviet Union was a completely different country from the capitalist countries in the West, so many Western countries hoped to advance the Soviet regime. Especially after Hitler, who was strongly hostile to the Soviet Union, came to power, the Soviet Union suffered a lot of terrorist spy organization activities. A lot of people are with the help of the original capitalism.

The deaths of these two people unexpectedly caused the greatest catastrophe in the history of the Soviet Union, and more than 20 million people were suppressed

At that time, Kirov was the First Secretary of Leningrad, such a high-ranking official, but he was suddenly assassinated. It was also a very dangerous signal for Stalin at that time, that is, many enemies were lurking inside the organization. It was for this reason that Stalin, who was already suspicious of those around him, was more suspicious.

It was after this incident that Stalin directly legislated himself, and the process of legislation was very strict in the past, but after this incident, the power of the entire Soviet Union was basically in his own hands. Those spies do not have to go through trial, as long as there is evidence, they can be executed directly. And the time from arrest to processing cannot exceed ten days.

The deaths of these two people unexpectedly caused the greatest catastrophe in the history of the Soviet Union, and more than 20 million people were suppressed

It was this law that provided the legal basis for the subsequent Great Purge, and the death of another person had a profound impact on the whole operation. That was the death of Mrs. Stalin. At that time, many people said in front of his wife that the current Stalin was a political dictator and a danger to the country.

The deaths of these two people unexpectedly caused the greatest catastrophe in the history of the Soviet Union, and more than 20 million people were suppressed

In addition, Stalin's wife had always been in a situation under Stalin's strict control, so she eventually committed suicide. This incident also had a great impact on Stalin, who he believed was that these hostile elements slandered themselves in front of their wives. In the end, in order to get rid of these people, there was a great purge.

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