
费纳德三巨头齐现赛场 大坂科娃哈勒普携手出战

{"info":{"title":{"content":"费纳德三巨头齐现赛场 大坂科娃哈勒普携手出战","en":"The Fernard Big Three appeared on the field and Osaka Kova Halep played hand in hand"},"description":{"content":"北京时间5月15日,罗马站进入到第四个比赛日的争夺,男女单打都将在今天结束第二轮争夺,首轮轮空的顶尖球员也将集体亮相赛场...","en":"On May 15, Beijing time, Rome station into the fourth matchday of the competition, men's and women's singles will end the second round of competition today, the first round of bye top players will also appear on the field collectively..."}},"items":[]}
