

{"info":{"title":{"content":"小说:店长有眼无珠,竟让总裁去店里做清洁工,这下他要倒大霉了","en":"Novel: The store manager has no eyes, and even lets the president go to the store to do the cleaner, which is going to be very unlucky"},"description":{"content":"“徐娅,你怎么在这里?”看到徐娅后,叶晨主动打了个招呼。当年徐娅背叛了叶晨,这曾令他耿耿于怀很久。不过,现在已经过去两年...","en":"\"Xu Ya, why are you here?\" After seeing Xu Ya, Ye Chen took the initiative to say hello. When Xu Ya betrayed Ye Chen, this made him feel nostalgic for a long time. However, it has now been two years..."}},"items":[]}