

{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"8种特别稀有的观赏花卉,有些可养成盆栽,有些只能在植物园看到","en":"There are 8 particularly rare ornamental flowers, some of which can be cultivated in pots and some that can only be seen in botanical gardens"},"description":{"content":"以前我们在电视上才能看到的奇特的花卉,现在也可以在市场上买到,可以将这些比较稀有的花卉种院子里,甚至可以养成阳台上的盆栽...","en":"The peculiar flowers that we used to see on TV can now also be bought in the market, and these rare flowers can be planted in the yard, and even potted plants on the balcony..."}},"items":[]}