
不妙!意大利队首胜 ,实时世界排名:一场3-1让中国女排跌至第7位

{"info":{"title":{"content":"不妙!意大利队首胜 ,实时世界排名:一场3-1让中国女排跌至第7位","en":"Bad! Italy's first win, real-time world rankings: A 3-1 game made the Chinese women's volleyball team fall to 7th place"},"description":{"content":"五月的安塔利亚,正值国家女排联赛的激烈较量。这一天,中国女排遭遇了令人不安的一幕——在与德国女排的比赛中,她们以1-3的...","en":"Antalya in May is in the midst of a fierce competition in the National Women's Volleyball League. On this day, the Chinese women's volleyball team suffered a disturbing scene - in the match with the German women's volleyball team, they lost 1-3..."}},"items":[]}