
中国女排告急!首局23-25,日本2连胜 ,美国队领先,世界第1翻身

{"info":{"title":{"content":"中国女排告急!首局23-25,日本2连胜 ,美国队领先,世界第1翻身","en":"The Chinese women's volleyball team is in a hurry! 23-25 in the first game, Japan won 2 consecutive games, the United States team took the lead, and the world No. 1 turned over"},"description":{"content":"对于一向占据主导地位的中国女排来说,2024年的世界女排联赛无疑是一次严峻的考验。在巴西站的首场比赛中,她们不敌美国队,...","en":"For the Chinese women's volleyball team, which has always been dominant, the 2024 World Women's Volleyball League is undoubtedly a severe test. In their opening match in Brazil, they lost to the United States,..."}},"items":[]}