

{"info":{"title":{"content":"女人的投资,从舍得为自己花钱开始,活得通透才是幸福的根基。","en":"A woman's investment starts from being willing to spend money for herself, and living a transparent life is the foundation of happiness."},"description":{"content":"姐妹们,有没有遇到过这样的情况:逛商场时看到心仪的衣服,却因为价格犹豫再三,最后选择了放弃?或者是在面对提升自我、学习新...","en":"Sisters, have you ever encountered such a situation: when you go to the mall, you see the clothes you like, but you hesitate because of the price, and finally choose to give up? Or in the face of self-improvement, learning new..."}},"items":[]}