

{"info":{"title":{"content":"破防了!9岁女孩辍学帮父亲干活到凌晨遭殴打,知情人:天天都打","en":"A 9-year-old girl dropped out of school to help her father work until the early hours of the morning and was beaten"},"description":{"content":"还真有老爸不疼女儿的,我本来也有点重男轻女的,但是自从我女儿出生,真的是含着怕化了,捧着怕摔了。不管孩子再怎么调皮捣蛋,...","en":"There are really fathers who don't care about their daughters, and I was a bit patriarchal, but since my daughter was born, I am really afraid of melting, and I am afraid of falling. No matter how naughty the child is,..."}},"items":[]}