

{"info":{"title":{"content":"立夏将至,提醒中老年:1不去,2不做,3不贪,4不吃,别大意了!","en":"The beginning of summer is coming, remind the middle-aged and elderly: 1 don't go, 2 don't do, 3 don't be greedy, 4 don't eat, don't be careless!"},"description":{"content":"立夏,是二十四节气中的第七个节气,预示着夏天的正式开始。对于中老年人来说,立夏是一个转折点,需要特别注意保养身体,预防疾...","en":"The beginning of summer is the seventh of the 24 solar terms, heralding the official beginning of summer. For middle-aged and elderly people, Lixia is a turning point, and special attention needs to be paid to maintaining the body and preventing diseases."}},"items":[]}